My House | Teen Ink

My House

April 14, 2016
By katiehoey BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
katiehoey BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My first house as a child was very different than the house I live in today. The house was a sky blue color on the outside. The outside had a walkway that seemed to be cut short. The yard was a square and the grass was always cut perfectly. There were flowerpots next to the front door that always had pink or red tulips since those are my mom’s favorite. It had three floors and lots of room for my family. When you first walk into the house you are right in the living room. The room is the shape of a square and had a huge couch that wrapped around half the room. There was a T.V. on a stand that felt so big to me. The rug was a tan color that made the room look bigger than it really was.

When you walked through the living room you would end up in the dining room. There was a window making the room blinding. Hanging from the ceiling was a chandelier light that made the room look formal. In the middle of the room was our wood dining room table. There were six chairs around the table for some extra people to sit when we would have guests. The table was square and filled up most of the room. When you walked to the right there was an office space that had a long hallway. The office was really small and only had a desk and a computer in it. It was always brutally cold because it had no heat. On the other side of the dining room was the kitchen. The kitchen was small but had a big fridge. There was a lot of counter space to cook and store things. We had a huge pantry that always seemed to be filled. The first floor always felt never-ending to me. 

On the upper level of my house there were also a lot of rooms. The stairs leading up there were the same type of rug that was in the living room. At the bottom of the stairs was a closet that was used to keep our jackets for the winter. When you got to the top and turned left, you would end up in my room. The room was shaped like a square and had one window next to my bed. My bed was small compared to my brother’s. I had a chocolate brown dresser that faced my bed and a closet with mirrors on them. There was nothing on my walls other than the snow-white paint.

Next to my room was the bathroom. The bathroom did not have a window and looked like any other bathroom. The shower curtain was plain and the room felt a lot smaller than it really was. On the other side of the bathroom was my brother’s room. He had a larger room than me. He had a huge bed that had wood all around it. It also had built in drawers underneath it. Since he had these drawers he did not need a dresser. He had a window that when you looked out you saw the next-door neighbors. He did not have a mirror in his room and had football posters all around it. His room was painted a dark blue. Across the hall from his room was my parents’ room. They had a king sized bed and a bigger closet than anyone else. They also have a window that looked out the front of the house.

Another wonderful part of the house was the backyard. The door to the backyard was located in the kitchen. The backyard was enormous. There was a patio area where we had a table and a grill for the summer. We also had a mini pool that my brother would spend the most amount of time in. There was a huge amount of room with a lot of fresh grass. The yard also had a slip’n slide that we enjoyed using all the time. There were a lot of trees in the back that made the yard look even more beautiful. We would plant flowers to make the property look nicer. No matter how much time goes by or how much older I get this house and all the details about it will always remain with me.

The author's comments:

This is a written piece about my first house as a child 

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fun2bme said...
on May. 4 2016 at 11:41 am
Love go kate!!