My Videogame Addiction/Passion | Teen Ink

My Videogame Addiction/Passion

March 4, 2016
By midnightprospect BRONZE, New Britain, Connecticut
midnightprospect BRONZE, New Britain, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Video games, my video games are the true reason I can escape from reality so easily. Whether i’m fighting a super mutant, trash talking a kid on a match of Free-for-all, Or finishing that quest so I can get that legendary sword with the 97 sun damage. I always seem to turn to video games to escape from a stressful day at work or to let off steam when I have a big argument with some close friends. But mostly, it’s just to gain the creativity from the stories these games offer me. My closest friends will always say to me “You need to chill out dude, you keep playing the same games every day.” I just ignore them since it doesn’t matter to me because it’s my life and i’ll choose the way I want to live it.

I dream of becoming a video game designer. I dream of this because in school I never got to be myself since in school the teachers never allowed us to be creative, they’d only let us stick to the rules. Now that I am turning 17, I could care less what people think because I am taking myself and my video games and good grades and I’m gonna make myself something out of that.

Sometimes when I am with my friends, they call me by my gamertag and social media name, MidnightPROSPECT. I’m a level 138 cryomancer using the spells to freeze my enemies in the weight of dangers and then take their belongings and move on. Everyone else who doesn’t understand is just that average bandit who I can one-shot with a spell and take their things too.

The only reason i'm always playing video games and addicted to it is because I have control over something that i never had control over. I want too be my own style the way I choose to be. Video games are my escape and i'm proud of it it’s my escape from reality, my stress reliever. I would rather spend 10 hours straight playing video games trying to complete that endless quest that will have more steps with every person that comes along rather than most people who take a cigarette and take a drink from a bottle of Jack Daniels.
I remember once a couple of months ago, I was so damn stressed out from work because it was so busy and it was annoying me and getting to my head. I came home  and almost ignored the fact that I was about to burst into tears I just came home and switched on my PC. It was a Wednesday night which  also meant  a school night. I just played Skyrim all night i was slashing down dragons and freezing the bandits with my cryomancer spells and I just ignored the fact that it was a crappy day which I was so happy ignoring that fact. I did go to school the next day extremely tired but it was damn well worth it because after all I did get a new armor set. So, this is the reason I am so addicted to video games. Every day I come home and after work I just play my games ignoring if it was bad or terrible day. I have a beautiful girlfriend who in my future we will both have a video game room in our house. When we both have a bad day we sit down and then we will battle it out, she is the only person who can say the things about me.

One unique thing gaming brings forth to me is interest in history. Some games like Civilization or Assassin's Creed 3 bring forth different historical themes or actual events but in game form. In Assassin’s Creed 3 I was taught about the American Revolution by actually playing on the Battle Of Bunker Hill and seeing the Declaration of Independence signed. I can learn about the Industrial Revolution a lot more better and funner by gaming rather than sitting in a classroom with my eyes barely open sometimes.

Gaming also gives me the chance to make bonds and make life long friends by playing good in that game of Battlefield 4.  A couple of friends and I from Kansas and Virginia, once stayed up for a whole night from 5 p.m. to about 7a.m. We were so tired and beat but it was such a good time. I drank coffee throughout the night to keep myself awake by force and my friend from Kansas passed out in the middle of a game and it was so funny and I cherish that night as a really fun memory. I met more of my online friends who i can trust more than my real life friends and i want the chance to meet them in my future.

Gaming is a profitable thing that we humans have invented and using it to both entertain and educate ourselves is just perfect for the modern day people, who tend to have short attention spans and like learning in colorful and interactive ways. Learning from an old textbook from the 90s is out of date and it has no significant meaning. I don’t want to carry a book that I will read half of instead of just learning on my own and in my own interactive ways.  Now,this is the reason I am addicted to video games.

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