Going Away | Teen Ink

Going Away

May 29, 2015
By ZachW BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
ZachW BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I couldn't believe he was going away. He’s been in that room for so long , I thought he would never leave. I guess getting my own room has its downside. I had a big smile on my face but it quickly went away as I thought to myself.
     It was August 18th, 2013, this was the day my brother was moving out. I was so      happy, all those annoying years finally paid off. I was able to finally get my own room. This was the first time I had the room all to myself, I could just imagine what my room would be like:heaven. Posters everywhere, Big television and all my gaming consoles set up.
     “Mom, I have it all planned out,” I said as we drove to the house.”
     “I hope you know you're gonna need to keep that room clean,” she said. I nod to her as we pulled into the driveway. I see my brother open the moving truck and moving boxes out of it.
     “ Hey are you ready to move boxes?” my brother says holding a box. He was different, like I didn't know him. He was being nice to me, actually talking to me. As I was helping him, I thought about our relationship. How we would always fight and never care for the other. Now it’s like I'm meeting someone new. He’s more responsible  and caring, actually talking to me instead of hiding in his room. I like this version better than the other than the first version. The old version was mean, never talking to me and always fighting with me. Kept hiding in his room and only coming out to get food. That version was always lazy and had me do his stuff for him.
       “ Justin you seem different” I say to him.
     “ I’m just happy I finally have a house of my own” he said to me as he opens up a box. 
    My brother is like an entirely new person. I have no idea who he is. I want to know what changed. He seems the same but he also seems different. I think he was hypnotized and now he is nice. No, thats just my imagination working up that happens a lot. But its really working right now, but also its been bringing back all those memories me and my brother had. It’s kinda weird but I like it.  
     My brother was always mean this but now he is way different. My brother has finally become a mature adult. He has planned this whole house and how it will look. I never thought he could do it. I never believed in him, I thought he would never be able to move. I guess I was really wrong, he is great. I can now believe in him and become even closer with him. I thought this would never happen, I used to hate talking to him. Now I want to know everything that I missed about him.
     Seeing a new side of my brother really changed me. I now know that people can change. That seeing someone change can be great for you. Seeing a person you may not like change could make you great friends in the end. See someone change lets you get to know them more, Possibly become great friends in the end. Just remember, never judge a book by its cover.

The author's comments:

This is a memior about my change in life when my brother was moving away, as most brother's are they can be annoying but they can change as time passes.

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