I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

December 17, 2014
By Taytay042997 BRONZE, Ormond Bach, Florida
Taytay042997 BRONZE, Ormond Bach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Since I was born, my life wasn't what most people consider normal. At just eighteen, a single parent, my mother gave birth to her first born - me. Young and afraid, she bravely raised me into a bright, thoughtful young woman. Shortly after my second birthday, my younger sister blessed our family with her arrival. Excitedly, I welcomed her with kisses. When she was only moments old, I claimed her as "my baby." Thrilled about my big sister positon, I promised to always take care of her, and that promise still remains true.

Circumstances led my sister and I to mature and do certain things on our own. When my mom was working and we were left with a babysitter, I would take control and explain to my sister the difference between right and wrong. Younger and inexperienced, she admired me while I modeled the right decisions and followed without hesitation.

As my sister grew older, the babysitter stoped knocking on the door to take my mother's place. Alone now, I had to fully immerse myself in a leadership role for my sister's well being. On the daily agenda, homework and snacks were at the top of the list. School is the main priority, instilled by my mother. Once finished with the daily Math and English assignments, chores of dirty dishes and trash were next. My mom said it was to teach us responsibility, but I highly doubt that's true. On late work nights, dinner was prepared by me; but, the only dish that i could prepare without burning down the house was Kraft macaroni and cheese. The repetition of this meal caused many complaints from my sister. "Why can't we ever eat chicken nuggets? I don't want macaroni!" After her nagging ceased, showers, outfits, alarms and bed were the final steps of our nightly routine when my mother couldn't return home early enough for bubble baths and bed time stories.

Many of our nights spent alone formed an unbreakable bond between my sister and me. From the minute she was born, we were immediately attatched and rarely separated. From the beginning, I knew; I knew she'd be the inspiration for many things in life for me. She drives me to be a role model, to stand up for what I believe in, to be a leader. With my sister in my life, I belive in the power of family, of sisters. I believe that everyone needs that one person to call their rock, their best friend. I believe that siblings are a gift and should never be taken for granted; and that friendship is just a side affect from the many unforgettable memories shared. I believe that above everything, family comes first. And, most of all, I believe that love is the essence of life and we could not survive without it.

The author's comments:

This piece is very meaningful, because it's all true and straight from the heart.

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