Travel and Move | Teen Ink

Travel and Move

December 3, 2014
By The_flying_unicorn SILVER, Princteon Junction, New Jersey
The_flying_unicorn SILVER, Princteon Junction, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I Landed in the Newark airport, i suddenly remember the first time i landed in Shanghai. The excitement to see a totally different world from the old one  made me wanted to immediately explore the new environment. I remember when I first moved to Shanghai  there were lights and tall buildings everywhere.

When i walk into the airport there were stores selling expensive alcohol, bags and clothing. When we arrived at our hotel my dad rented a two story room. From the window i could see lights shining like stars at night. There were still many people walking on the street. Besides us was a big mall. Women dressed in pretty dresses  were going in and out of the mall carrying big bags full of clothing. I was amazed by how busy Shanghai was at night.

I never saw a city that busy and fancy at night. At Chengdu, the night was noisy.The vendor was yelling on the street to sell their goods. There were small restaurant lines along the street. People were talking loudly and eating and sweating yelling “ Another  spicy chicken please!”. Shanghai’s nights were also busy. But it wasn’t noisy. The little restaurant in Chengdu are like mini malls or shops in Shanghai. People were talking in a quiet voice. When they wanted to order their food they will wave their hand to call over the waiter to add another drink or dish.

Technically these two cities has great different. But in another way they are the same. They both had people shopping or eating in the late night. Both cities were very active at night. And they were great places for vacation. I am so glad to have a chance to live there.

“Angela, Angela!” Mom was calling me.
“What?” I was still in my thoughts.
“ let’s go, your dad was already taking the luggage.”She said.
“ O.K. Coming” i answered.

Came to United State was another new experience for me.  U.S. has a lot of sunlight, the people are nice and  there are big malls all over the country.

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