Steam-Filled Hotel Room | Teen Ink

Steam-Filled Hotel Room

March 13, 2014
By Lexxx SILVER, Portland, Oregon
Lexxx SILVER, Portland, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest cruelty is our casual blindness to the despair of others."

I'm saying words inside of my mind but those words are not managing to make it past that and come out of my mouth. This is things we all do. The feeling inside of my insides today is steam. Hot steam that blends in with the gray filled sky, that is my stomach. The sun comes out briefly, like a firefly. I’m starting to feel way too many things inside of my body and it’s starting to consume me. I’m always trying to get ahead of myself and never in control. I feel like a big steam filled empty palace but with many souls inside. I feel like a river under a bridge of cars, always waiting to be destroyed. I am the safe bet, I will never fall for you, my expectations will be high but I will never admit it. I will continue to write shitty poems and be confused about my gender. I get offended when people call me sir and when people call me ma’am. I am a hotel and people are renting me out, using me up, and playing me like bingo. Wonderful gifts full of pay backs and expectations. I will never tell you how beautiful you look while I’m looking into your eyes that look like mountains. You are always filled with hope and huge strength, and I can always see this no matter where I am. I will never admit this, I will only continue to drag you along my windy road, through a narrow tunnel, but I will never let you see me get lost in your eyes.

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