How I got my cat | Teen Ink

How I got my cat

February 26, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a chilly November afternoon. I was just getting home from school. My

sister, Caroline, mentioned about how she was driving by the St. Tammany parish

Hospital the other day, when she noticed a sign. The sign said "Free Cats", and it was

on a fence at this small animal hospital. She suggested we go check out the cats. Our

plan was to just go look at the kittens, but not actually take one home. I changed into a

grey pullover and yoga pants. I was wearing a boot on my left leg due to my broken

ankle. Caroline told my mom that we were going to CVS and then I went outside to the

car. When I got in the car, it smelled like Victoria's Secret perfume.

We drive up to the small building. As I walked in, I saw dogs and their owners

sitting on benches. Of course, like always, my sister made me do all of the talking. I

walkup to the lady and asked her if we could see the kittens. Her face lit up and she

went to go get the last kitten of the litter, and she brought out the tiny kitten. The first

thing I noticed were her huge eyes. The kitten was a brown, tabby girl with green eyes.

When I held her, she was purring like crazy and was very soft. Caroline and I both

agreed to take her without thinking. I thought the lady would question why "sketchy

teenagers" wanted a cat, so I made up an excuse. I told her we were getting a cat for

our brother's birthday that was the day before. The lady didn't question it at all, she just

gave us food for the kitten, and we left. When I got in the car, I looked over at Caroline

and my facial expression said, "Did we really just do this?" I held the kitten on the way

home and she sounded like a motor boat. She wouldn't stop purring.

When I got home, somehow Caroline snuck her upstairs into the bathroom. We

decided to name her Sadie. Caroline brought my brother, Leighton, into the bathroom to

show him Sadie. I could instantly see a huge smile on his face. Leighton has always

wanted a kitten, so his excitement was out of the roof. Caroline and I had to go down

stairs to eat dinner, so we put Sadie in a clothes hamper that she couldn't jump out of.

After dinner, I realized we had to get Sadie a litter box, toys, and a cage. Caroline

suggested taking the cat with us to get some supplies. I went into the bathroom to get

Sadie and she was looking at me through a hole in the hamper. I took her out, put her in

a bag, grabbed $20, and then ran outside to the car. I told my mom we were going to

pick up some things for school and she didn't think anything of it. Then I called my friend

Maddi to tell her about what we just did. We decided to bring her with us to get the cat


The car pulled up to her house and she got in the car. Caroline's car was so

messy there was barely a place to sit. She moved some things around then we headed

to Target. It was around 7:45 when we pulled up to Target. I got out of the car and held

on to the kitten really tight, fearing that she would jump out of my hand and into the

parking lot. Right as we walked inside everyone reacted to Sadie. The cashier at target

kept pointing and smiling at her. I was scared they were going to tell us we couldn't have

animals in Target, but instead they were amazed by the kitten. All of us went to the cat

section, and we got water, food bowls, a litter box, and a few toys. Somehow I had

enough money for everything. Maddi bought some cat nip. Cat nip is not food. she

quickly realized after buying it. It looked more like oregano. After gathering up

everything, it was time to check out. Caroline grabbed the bags and we left. As I was

walking in the parking lot a car honked and Sadie freaked out. I was so close to losing

her. We got into the car and for some reason decided to go to the country club. I

don't really know why, though.

We stopped to see some people and show them the cat while Maddi threw cat

nip at people. After leaving the club Caroline wanted to go see Holly, so that's

what we did. Caroline parked in her driveway and noticed Holly was the only one home.

She wasn't answering her phone so instead of knocking on her door like a normal

person we kinda broke into her house by climbing threw her bedroom window. Holly

was sitting on her bed the glanced over and gave us a confused look. Caroline

explained to her about what had happened. Holly told us we were really stupid and that

my mom was going to kill us. I put the Sadie down and she ran behind a Joe Jonas

cardboard cut out. We were there for a little while until it was time for Maddi to go home.

I got into the car then put the kitten in the pocket of my oversized pullover so she

could sleep. After dropping Maddi off I realized we had to show Grace the new kitten,

because she loves cats. I called Grace and then went over to her house. Caroline

stayed in the car and I went inside to show Grace Sadie. Grace held and pet Sadie then

her dad came downstairs. He noticed the cat and started to hold her and play

with her. Let's just say her dad and Sadie bonded really well that day. I looked at the

clock then realized it was almost 10. Before I left, Grace let me borrow a cage for the

kitten, then we headed home.

Caroline and I put the cat stuff in the garage then ran up stairs with the kitten.

When my parents went to sleep I went out to the garage to get the cat supplies. Then I

brought the things up to the bathroom and set up a temporary area for Sadie. I put

Sadie down and she was so happy to be home. She was purring like crazy and jumping

on and off the cat cage. It was the cutest thing ever! I noticed the time and it was 11:45,

so I went to sleep. I didn't want to leave the kitten in the bathroom alone so I put her

cage next to my bed. I tried to get the kitten to sleep before putting her in the cage. She

wouldn't sleep though she was just purring like crazy and looking at me non-stop. I had

to sleep so I put her in the cage. Throughout the whole night I could hear Sadie's raspy

meow. Her meow woke me up at 5:30 am. I took her out of the cage pet her a little and

fell back asleep. My mom came into my room around 7 to wake me up. Somehow she

didn't see the cage or hear the little meows. I was so relieved that I wouldn't have to

explain to her what was going on. Until I realized we had to go to school. There was no

way could hide Sadie. Even if I did hide her, you could still hear her meowing. Caroline

refused to tell my mom even if I went with her to explain. Of course she made me tell

my mom all alone.

I was so scared I felt like my heart was in my throat. I changed into my uniform,

took a deep breath then headed down stairs with Sadie in my arms. I headed to the

laundry room where my mom was folding clothes. My voice was shaky, and all I said

was, "Um.. Mom... Me and Caroline got a kitten." My moms smile instantly went away.

She was so mad and took everything out on me. Even though it wasn't my idea to get

the kitten. My mom told me we had to go to school or we would be late. She also told

us she was telling my dad. Then Caroline and I left to go to school. To make that day

even better we were late to school.

I was nervous that my dad was going to bring her back to the Animal hospital.

Therefore, the whole day, I would text my dad and my mom begging them not to take

the cat back to the vet. When I got home, surprisingly, I didn't get yelled at. My parents

fell in love with Sadie. There was no way they were going to return her. Luckily, we


Today, Sadie is still living with us and the bag of cat nip is still on our shelf.

completely untouched. She is such a good cat and she acts so much like a dog. My

parents loved Sadie so much that I somehow convinced them to get a puppy for my

birthday. I'm so happy everything worked out as well as it did. I always think about how

differently things could have happened. What would have happened if we never saw the

"Free Cats" sign? What if my parents brought Sadie back? My life would be completely

different. I wouldn't have Sadie or my new dog Ellie. This shows me how one thing can

change your life completely.

The author's comments:
This is a story of how I got my cat Sadie

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