My Gynastics Life | Teen Ink

My Gynastics Life

February 25, 2014
By SouthernThang14 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
SouthernThang14 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The couple that hunts together stays together"

Well one day I was at Shrimp Boat the restaurant and I saw an ad on the table about gymnastics and I told my grandma and my grandpa I said “Can I start doing gymnastics at First In Flight Gym?” My grandpa said “We will go check it out” so all of us went to meet the gymnast teacher her name was Kandy. Kandy told me that I could start on that Monday so I did she also told me what I could and could not wear and all the other important stuff I needed to know. When I went in on Monday we all started to stretch and do our exercises then this girl Faith come up to me and said “Hi whats your name?” I said “ Alyssa” so we started talking and having fun. No other girl in that whole class liked Faith because she was kinda snooty anyway I learned how to do a cartwheel,split,swing around the bar,walk on a beam it was hard at first but I got the hang of it. After practice Kandy asked me if wanted to go to level 2 so I said “yes”. As I moved up and started learning new things it got harder but I LOVED it there were times I didn’t wanna go but I did anyway. I worked up until level 4 doing newer harder things it was fun, then one day Kandy mentioned competition I was so scared because I only had 3 weeks to learn a routine and work hard at it but I was proud of myself because I got it. I had to learn a routine on beam, bar and floor. When the competition got here I fell off the bar I was so embarrassed my face started turning red. I got back up on that bar and didn’t stop until my routine was finished. Kandy told me I could move up to team if I wanted to and I did oh my gosh I was so happy. I came into practice that next Monday, it was harder than I thought I was sweating sore and tired but I didn’t give up at all. One day before practice my grandma called Kandy and said “Alyssa will not be coming back for a while” I was so devastated. It got too expensive I understand that part but I really miss gymnastics I wish I could go back. That was the end of my gymnastics life. Worst day of my entire life!!!!!!!

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