My Perfect Night | Teen Ink

My Perfect Night

October 26, 2013
By Maggie Gunville BRONZE, Yarmouth, Maine
Maggie Gunville BRONZE, Yarmouth, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His little feet running across the backyard, watching him trip and fall, but getting right back like nothing happened. He kicks the ball and I watch it as it moves two feet from where he kicked it. Somehow he puts a smile on my face everytime I see him. From the way he gives me a hug to the way he runs around in my backyard. I don’t know how to describe it, but he makes me feel good, like everything will be ok.

He had become part of my life, he had become part of my family. I hadn’t known Rowan (my dad’s girlfriend, Bonnie’s, son) forever, but it felt like it. He was just about to move into their new home in Yarmouth with his mom, and that made me feel like I would know him forever.

I grabbed the heavy box and heaved it into their new house. I couldn’t have been more excited. Everything was perfect, Rowan was in Yarmouth and he was going to meet my cousins tonight. I finally felt like I had one big happy family. After the divorce nothing was the same, I had two houses, and unlike everyone else my parents didn’t live together. Now, everything just seems normal, like I have one of those perfect lives that it feels like everyone else has.

The cold, hard rain pelted the road as the night sky grew darker and the moon drifted behind a cloud. My eyes peered out the window to see if they were here yet, they weren’t.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw Jack walking up the sidewalk, “THEY’RE HERE!” I yelled running to the door.

“Jackie!” I screamed when he strutted through the door. My arms wrapped around his cold wet clothes, and held him tight.

“Where is Katie?” I questioned, looking around but she was no where to be seen.

“She can’t make it, she is at a friends,” Aunt Di replied, seeming a little fazed by her not coming.

Bonnie and my dad walked in with Rowan trailing behind. He peered out from behind his mom, and shot his head back as soon as he saw the Vigues. I grabbed his little hand and brought him out from hiding, which wasn’t hard because he is five and weighs like 20 pounds.

“Hi Rowan,” Aunt Di uttered to him.

“Hi,” he whispered fiddling with his pants. I picked him up bringing him to meet everyone.

“Do you want to see my toys?” Rowan asked with a smile that could light up the whole.

We marched up the stairs slowly, following Rowan, who was leading us to his room. Sitting here watching them puts a smile on my face, a smile that could not turn upside down. Seeing him get along with Ben and Jack was all I could have wanted, and I got it.

“Pizza is here,” my dad yelled up the stairs and our feet carried us all the way to the way to the kitchen. The scent of pizza wafted through my nose and made me crave for some. We got our greasy pizza and sat on the cold tiled floor. We ate, and ate, so much that if someone saw us, they would probably think that we had never been fed.

When dinner was over, it was time for them to leave, it was time for my perfect night to end. I wrapped my arms around Jack and held him tight, never wanting him to leave, because when he leaves my perfect night will be over. In some ways I guess you could say I had my Cinderella night, my night that was more than I wanted but had a time limit, and has to end just as it was beginning. My arms had to let go now, I couldn’t hold him forever, he had to go home, and I will have to soon. I hugged Ben, Aunt Di and Uncle John next, and with a blink of an eye they were gone. It was over.

“Girls, it’s time for us to leave now,” my dad summoned grabbing, the jackets from the closet. I got up only to find Rowan on the couch sound asleep, I tiptoed over and bent to his level.

“Thank you for making my night perfect, I couldn’t have been any better,” I whispered kissing his cheek. I walked over to Bonnie and hugged and thanked her, then we were out.

As the car rolled out of the driveway and into the night my mind raced over everything that had happened that night. It felt like I had been in a movie, where they have a perfect live, I felt whole, like nothing could break me.

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