Just Have fun | Teen Ink

Just Have fun

October 17, 2013
By nickj1 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
nickj1 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the my first preseason snowboard contest I’ve ever done it was cold and rainy, everyone was standing around, I could see it in everyone’s face how bad they wanted to ride. A voice came over the speakers “testing testing, alright guys it’s about time we get this thing going. Everyone just stopped looked at each other, and ran up to the hill. I was standing in line my heart was pounding; all I could think was what if I fall? What if I mess up? Will I look stupid? I was watching people take their turn thinking to myself can I do that? I finally made it up to the top, I know everyone is watching me, I cannot fall. I dropped in flew down the hill and hit the trick I had in mind. I could hear a bunch of people telling me good job that was nice, and that made me feel good to hear it. Finally the music cuts out and we hear some crackling “alright guys let’s get this contest going, men’s 14 and under your up first.” My heart felt like it was going to break out of my chest at that moment all the confidence I had built up and disappeared. I slowly walked up to the hill along with the other 10 kids. That wait in line felt like an hour, I slowly walked my way up the hill, finally I was at the top and it was my turn. I put my board down and strapped in, I looked down getting ready to go. Then it hit me what am I going to do? I didn’t have time to even think I couldn’t hold up the line I dropped in I flew down and nailed my trick. I started to think, I can win this I know i can win this, I walked back up watching what everyone else is doing trying to think what can I do to beat that, I can win I know I can beat that I kept telling myself. My turn again I dropped in, I went down and bam! I fell really hard, it all came back oh know everyone is looking at me I fell I’m done. I walked back up and realized watching most people that everyone is falling, so i just told myself don’t worry about it. Finally the judge calls everyone over. “Guys I’m doing to announce the winners for 14 and under men’s and then we will move on.” Third place called not me, second place called not me, finally it came down to it first place it had to be me I thought to myself it has to be. First place was called... and it wasn’t me. My heart sank I felt so disappointed how could I not have won? I walked over and sat down with all my other friends that hadn’t won either sitting by them made me feel a little better. I sat and watched all the other riders but I was zoned out all I could think was I can’t believe I didn’t win I can’t believe it. Finally it was all over the contest was done the music had stopped and everyone was starting to leave. I got my stuff threw it in my mom’s car and got in. The ride home was going to be long, I was looking out the window still thinking how great it would’ve been to win. I started thinking about how much fun I had, I was thinking about how cool it was to get to snowboard how I get to hang out with all my friends and do what we love before it snowed. I realized that it didn't matter that I didn't win, I needed to realize that I had a lot of fun and I should be happy with how I did. That day changed how I felt about snowboarding it made me realize I don’t snowboard to win I snowboard because I love to do it, from then on I rode in contest to have fun and hangout with my friends and not to worry about winning.

The author's comments:
This is a piece about an important part of my life.

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