Falling In | Teen Ink

Falling In

October 16, 2013
By Anonymous

I waited as Taylor was lugged back onto the boat. I was up next, my stomach going into a gigantic knot. I was not ready for my turn. My dad waved me to the back of the boat. I gradually moved my way back feeling unsettled, not ready for what’s to come. Once I got the back of the boat, he told me to hop in and then the panic hit me. It was my turn to kneeboard.

Minutes later I find myself being strapped into the kneeboard ready to be whipped back and forth from the boat with nothing more than a rope keeping me connected. I look down realizing how murky the water was. My mind started running about what would be in lake water. I’m terrified of all the creatures and fish in the water that would probably eat me. After I’m 40 feet away from the boat I start getting nervous.

The boat’s engine starts back up letting off a powerful roar. My dad gives me a thumb up to show he’s ready and I give a slight thumb up to get going. My hands grip vigorously not wanting to slip or let go. The last thing I wanted to do was fall into the dark opaque water where I cannot see my hand that would lay right under me.

I feel as little tug as the boat starts to go through the water. Before I can think I’m holding on for dear life not wanting to let go but having to pull myself up to get my knees into place. The water splashes into my face getting into my eyes. I’m getting nervous but need to gain speed to keep myself up. I signal to my dad to let the boat get just a little faster. I feel the rope tug once more and I’m moving faster. Once the speed stays constant I want it to be more fun so I go faster but this time it’s just to fast. I loss a little grip and slide off the board going into the water. Now my fear kicks back in and I start freaking out as I float into the water waiting for the boat to come back around so I can go swim back in.

Floating in the water I look down hoping to be able to see something. What I thought was right, I can’t see anything in the water which makes me freak out thinking about how big fish can be right under my legs. I start to yell and scream, my legs kicking so I can have as much of my body out as possible. I see the boat in the distance start to turn around to come pick me back up. I can’t stop thinking about everything below and around me in the water. I just want to get back into the boat and get out of the water. My dad didn’t want to get to close to me with the boat so I had to catch onto the kneeboard so then he can pull me in from there. I grab the kneeboard and scoot myself up as far as possible to get myself out of the water. As I get reeled in I start relaxing.

Finally I am pulled up onto the boat, I go sit down and take a deep breath. I hear my family and friends all laughing about how nervous I was. I got mad but then realized it was all fun and I should have not over thought everything and that it would be fun to do it again. Next time I would definitely get over how fearful and nervous I was and try it again.

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