Shot? Not! | Teen Ink

Shot? Not!

November 4, 2012
By Juju17 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Juju17 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The smell of sweat rushed passed me as I swung open the doors of the gym. I could feel my heart pounding. I felt as if it might explode. This team was good and I didn’t want to make a single mistake. As game time grew closer and closer, I cringed as I watched the other Carl Traeger 7th grade basketball team play. I hoped I could watch without any distractions so I could focus and learn from the mistakes the other team made. I said to myself, “Okay, make sure you don’t double dribble!” and “Okay, make sure you drive to the basket, but don’t travel!” I was a nervous wreck. TWEEEEEEET!!! TWEEEEEEET!!!! TWEEEEEEEET!!!!! “UH-OH…that’s the game.”

As we warmed up for our game, every step I took pounded in my head like a metronome on high speed. I saw my parents in the stands. My dad mouthed some encouraging words that made me even more nervous then I already was. Our coaches called us over to tell us who would start and who would be on the bench first. Thankfully, I was on the bench first, although I was going to go in very soon.

As the game went on it was like a teeter-totter. We were up by two, and then Tipler was up by two. Then we made a shot, but were fouled and then we made our free throw shot. Next Tipler made a three pointer and it went on and on and on. Back and forth; the crowd was cheering, “Yeah!!” and, “Boo!!!” It was mad chaos.

Time passed and it was half time. We got a drink and headed back on to the court. I was playing well, so I didn’t really notice my nerves. I actually was amazed by how well I was playing, until… I made a mistake that could’ve changed the game.

It was our ball and we were doing so well! Someone on my team shot and we all boxed out and ran to the hoop. We missed and Tipler was dribbling down the court until someone from our team stole the ball. I was super excited!! I was open right under the basket. I would be the one to score the point that would get us the lead!! I screamed at the top of my lungs like a New Yorker screaming for a taxi. The pass was made. I could feel the ball slowly glide into my hands. It was now or never. The crowd was screaming, but I tuned them out. I needed to concentrate. It was my time to shine. As I let the ball out of my hands, everything went very slowly. I tuned the crowd back in. I heard something that shocked me. They yelled…

My stomach dropped as I realized I shot at the wrong basket. The ball was circling the rim. I prayed to God that it wouldn't go in. It felt like a year went by. The ball fell. It fell out of the basket. I was so relieved. Though I missed, I was way too nervous to get back out on the court. I didn't want to make another mistake. I just wanted to crawl in my shell like a turtle and just die. My teammates and coaches made me feel a little better by telling me that it was okay, but I was still scared out of my mind. I went back out on the court and played well, but while I was on the court and bench, I was shaking like crazy. It was the most embarrassing thing in my life.

Grown-ups who you think don’t know anything, actually know what they are talking about when they say that it is okay to make mistakes and that you should learn from them. Ever since that day when I shot in the wrong basket, I never made that same mistake again. I don’t think I will ever make any of the same mistakes that I have already made. Even though mistakes are embarrassing, you will make a million of them in your lifetime. You don’t need to get down on yourself, just learn from them.

The author's comments:
This really happened to me!

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