Everything about you | Teen Ink

Everything about you

June 22, 2010
By Melonn PLATINUM, Phoniex, Arizona
Melonn PLATINUM, Phoniex, Arizona
25 articles 3 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
change your life

Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.
John Ada

Everything baout captures my attention and turns my heart inside out. your smile, your laugh, your cheeks. you make me happy when your face breaks out into a grin, your beautiful to me. if you were to leave my everything disappears. your time and effort make me relieze how truely wonderful you are. Everything about you is unique, honest, and strong. and when you are sad, i wish i could just squeeze you until you turn purple. late at light i want to lay in bed and know your safe. our life is like walking on clouds and i wouldn't need anything else except your smile. the way your eyes twinkle and your dimples show, the curve of your mouth and eyes is everything to me. i want my arms around so we can drift away into a peaceful daze. One of my most happy dreams. now its time for reality.

The author's comments:
sorry for not putting caps in beg. of sentences, and spelling errors. comment or rate. pls i am desperate for advice :)

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