The Perfect Beach | Teen Ink

The Perfect Beach

February 25, 2010
By 2/12/10 BRONZE, Katy, Texas
2/12/10 BRONZE, Katy, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Perfect Beach

Happy Ending: When things turn out for the best. Everyone strives for that happy ending, but sometimes you can’t get that, so you have to make your own. As a human, we have the power to create that happy ending, and many people are forced to do that. It is a very wonderful thing that we are able to do.

When I was little and lived nowhere near a beach, I had always dreamed of going to any beach in the whole wide world! I imagined the cool, yet crisp, wave rising ashore, and touching my bare feet. The warm sand all over my body as my friends would burry me in the sand. That warm sun against my body, warming me from the inside out, and tanning my skin to a darker tone than my normal pale skin.

I knew there was no possibility of me living next to a beach, not ever. It was very devastating to a young boy. I was envious towards the people that lived on a beach. The ones waking up to a perfect sunrise as the seagulls call, the waves splash against the shore, and as dolphins would jump out of water, and slap their tale fin around. Of course I never knew if this were true, I had never been to a beach as a child, so I went by what my friend Trent told me. He was from Cancun, which was one of the best beaches I had ever heard about.

I decided no one could choose whether I lived on a beach or not, so I decided to cook up a crafty plan. It was almost a smart plan, but I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off. I was only a young child, around the age of 8,maybe 9. My plan was crafty, and tricky, but deep inside; something knew I would be able to pull it off.

I grabbed a toy shovel, a bucket of water, seashells I had bought, and my pet Henry. Henry was a hermit crab I bought at the mall. I brought this concoction to my sandbox that just happened to be in my backyard. I shoveled the sand to one area, as I poured the water in the other. It was a pretty big sandbox, well big compared to Henry and I. I placed the seashells in and out of water, to have that effect of a beach. I made a small sand castle in the corner of my sandbox too, for that look I was trying to reach. It was a perfect beach in my eyes. It was my beach. My first beach was my beach. I closed my eyes and imagined the seagulls calling as the sunrays hit my body.

There are many happy endings that we humans can create. We have the power, strength, and ability to do so. We have to make our own happy endings when they don’t, or can’t happen. It is a very special thing that we are able to do. So whenever things are for the worst, we can create our own happy ending. When life doesn’t give you a happy ending, make your own.

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