My Neighborhood | Teen Ink

My Neighborhood

January 19, 2022
By jasminedl BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
jasminedl BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my neighborhood we have not only small but big houses, too. All together I have counted thirteen houses in my neighborhood that sit in a circle, more of an oval but what’s the difference. One of the houses in my neighborhood is very unique looking, it sits in the shade over by the woods. It is a rounded house, it's as if this house has no edges. It's a two story house covered in beautiful plants and flowers during the spring and summer with a unique looking balcony. My family always wished we could have bought that house.

During the spring and summer the trees are completely covered looking as beautiful as ever, all the yards covered with bright green grass, the neighbor across the street from me, their grass is as soft as can be. As the fall comes, the leaves start to fall off the trees except for the very large and tall pine cone trees that sit right in between the neighbor on the left of my house. All the different colored leaves falling off the trees and onto the ground. 

It's nice to wake up and walk outside to see the ground covered in colors from the leaves. As the winter time rolls around, all the leaves die and the trees become bare. Especially over in the woods, it's kind of cool when you look at it because you can see straight through the woods.

The woods were all my siblings and I’s favorite place to play in when we were little kids. It started off with just the six of us and then we got our cousins to join in when they would all come over for family gatherings. Our favorite game to play there was hide and seek, but we could only play in the spring or summer because all the leaves and trees were able to hide us. When the fall and winter came, we would play tag because you could see all the way through plain as day.

The author's comments:

I'm 16 and I am 4'10. I also love to draw and paint.

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