When I Broke My Left and RIght Wrist | Teen Ink

When I Broke My Left and RIght Wrist

October 16, 2019
By Anonymous

When I broke my left and right wrist  

When I was younger it was a winter evening; my brother and I were sledding at my Grandparents house. When my brother and I were outside, my dad and grandparents were talking in the house. When I slid down the hill my brother said “Maysha let me snowboard down the hill” “okay bubba” I said out of breath. I got up and I saw a block of ice. I tried to avoid it but I slipped and fell; I hit my left wrist on a metal tractor plow. When I hit it I felt something snap. I screamed in pain and I held my arm and cried. I layed in the snow and cried. My grandpa said “what the hell happened?” I looked at him and said “ I think I just broke my wrist” I got up and my dad helped me. I sat on a tool box and my dad was getting stuff around to go to the ER. He grabbed me and we went to the hospital. I sat in the waiting room for close to 2 hours; at that point I couldn’t move anything. Tears were running down my face, I think my arm started turning purple. I finally got called back I went to the X-RAY room to get x-rays done; they saw that my wrist started to heal by itself. 

As I lay in the hospital bed waiting for my results the main doctor came in and said “we are going to have to reset your wrist” I knew what he meant. They had to rebreak my arm. “NO you cannot do that! I don’t trust you!” I yelled with tears in my eyes. As they reassured me I took my dads hand and squeezed it. 

The doctor took my hand and my forearm and asked “so how’s your winter break going-” *SNAP* I squeezed my dads hand and screamed. As that happened I stopped breathing for about 10 seconds. They put oxygen tubes up my nose and I was able to breathe better. I looked at my dad and seen that he had tears in his eyes. “Dad why are you crying?” I said quietly “I’m worried about you,” he said. I fell asleep and woke up at home with my whole arm propped up and I felt some pain; so I got up, got some more pain medicine, and went back to bed. When I woke up again I was on my side. I got up and put my sling on, and went to go get me something to eat. As I tried to make me a bowl of cereal; it was hard to make it one handed. I asked my grandma for help and she made me the bowl of cereal; she got me a TV tray, and I sat down and ate. I got back up and put my dishes away. My grandpa came out and said “look at you, does your wrist hurt?” “yes it does grandpa” I said laughing  “can I poke it with a stick?” he said jokingly “no Grandpa” I say laughing. I got dressed and went outside to play with my dog. My dad got home from work and saw me up and around. “ Maysha Lynn why are you up and playing around?” he said “I was letting Diamond out to go potty” I said “oh okay just please be careful I don’t need you breaking your other wrist.” 

After that whole healing process with my left wrist. A few years after that I was at my friend’s house. We were rollerblading in her basement. I thought it was okay to let go and try to rollerblade on my own without holding onto anything. As I did that I lost my balance and fell face first to the concrete and my hands out to protect my fall. Then I instantly felt the pain of my wrist snapping. I started crying and I screamed. The mom came down and said “What happened?” my friend was also crying because she didn’t know what to do. Then I said “ I think I just broke my wrist!” “okay I’ll call your mom” as my friends mom called my mom; my friend got me up and we went up to the living room and I laid down on the couch; with an ice pack and almost fell asleep. A few minutes later my mom came and took me to the hospital. 

As we waited; my mom was kinda rubbing my back and saying “It’s going to be okay Maysha” when I finally got called back they took my X-rays they told me that it is broken and they’ll fix it up in no time. When I finally got home I had to take a bath. And when I have to take showers or baths’ I can’t take my splint off. My mom decided to go against what the doctor told her and remove it so I can take a bath. And she always did that. When I had to finally get the splint off I was able to get my cast. After my cast I had to wear a velcro splint and take it off to do exercises to make my wrist strong. But at that point my right wrist has curvature to it. Because it healed wrong.   

The author's comments:

I was in a lot of pain throughout that whole story when all of it happened 

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