Some Begin Celebrating Christmas in October | Teen Ink

Some Begin Celebrating Christmas in October

February 12, 2015
By kassidy.tarala PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
kassidy.tarala PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the holiday season approaches, local stores begin playing Christmas songs through the speakers and cover every square inch in red and green. Some find the rapid preparation for the holidays to be exciting, while others find it to be a nuisance.

Stores such as Kohl’s began putting up Christmas decorations around the end of August. While it may be 80 degrees outside, inside are ornaments and snowflakes. While this gives some excitement in anticipation for the upcoming holiday season, there are others who feel it is much too soon.

Ashley Schnick, an Arrowhead senior, is among those who believe it is much too soon to celebrate such distant holidays.

“Halloween isn’t even done yet,” she says.

Schnick says she is still getting ready for this spooky holiday and isn’t quite ready to hang up her stockings just yet.

“It goes on forever,” she says.

Schnick says the holidays don’t just begin far before they actually take place, but they continue long after the holidays are over.

She says she has seen houses with Christmas lights up long before Halloween and well after Valentine’s Day.

Schnick says one holiday shouldn’t be celebrated for half of the year because it takes away the meaning of the holiday itself.

“Christmas is my favorite holiday, but that doesn’t mean I want to spend the majority of the year celebrating it,” she says.

However, Schnick also says she believes Christmas doesn’t have to be reserved to celebrate only on Christmas day.

“[People should start celebrating it] a week before Thanksgiving because of the Christmas shopping people like to do on Black Friday,” she says.

Similar to Schnick, Emily Landry, an Arrowhead senior, says Christmas is celebrated for far too long.

Landry says her favorite holiday is Halloween, and she doesn’t like how quickly it’s over before October 31st even arrives.

“It’s moving really fast,” she says.

Landry says the rapid pace of the transition into the holiday season is overwhelming.

“We just got to Halloween,” she says.

She says she wants to spend more time celebrating the holidays happening in the moment rather than those that are months away.

“We should start celebrating Christmas in mid November because it’s a smooth transition from one holiday to the next,” she says.

Landry says she admits she is excited for Christmas, but the early preparation with stores’ Christmas themed displays causes her to grow sick of the holiday before it even arrives.

“There’s a time to anticipate the upcoming holidays, and there’s a time to just appreciate the moment we have right now,” she says.


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