"By The Window Down The Hall" | Teen Ink

"By The Window Down The Hall"

October 2, 2013
By DavisGilmartin BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
DavisGilmartin BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I dont cause comotion I am one" -Elphaba "Wicked"

I looked at the reflection in the window, my reflection, except there was something else there, something behind me, no someone behind me. I froze, not out of fear, but utter curiosity, who was this and what did they want? Little did I know that my questions would soon be answered, whether I was ready for it or not.

It was 1:45 am. when it woke me. “Dad?” I asked delightfully hoping my father had finally returned from his forever long business trip. I swung the door open ready to embrace my father, no one was there to greet my open arms. The footsteps stopped. My dogs had woken when I opened the door and had began snarling furiously at the nothingness in the hallway. I felt a cold breeze by my ear, it was the middle of summer, a draft of that sort wasn’t explainable, unless it was more than a draft. I turned to my dogs, one of them hid in the closet and shivered in fear. the other angrily approached whatever was there, but soon whimpered and coward down in submission to the shadowy figure who was still at the doorway. But then I heard something, was it just in my head? No, someone just said something, it was definitely someone but it definitley wasn't human this was a ghost. I listened hard, silence, you could’ve heard a pin drop, you could’ve heard my heart shatter as my theory seemed to be wrong. But wait, there it was again. Surely, this time it wasn’t in my head. I turned back to my doorway where the shadowy figure was standing. At first it was just mumbling, but then I heard it, one name, Masters.

Masters, this one name who you'd think wouldn't have any significance in my life. Mr. Masters was the man who lived in my house before me. But why was this ghost saying his name to me? Masters moved away, he’s gone. But maybe he's still upset with Mr. Masters because there was a lot of renovations made to the house, Masters was the one responsible for them, so maybe this ghost was unhappy that the home was altered. But why would it matter to him? I turned back to my doorway to close it and shut out the shadowy figure, bad idea.The enraged ghost grabbed the handle and pulled the door shut with a slam. He was gone but that didn’t necessarily make me feel safe. I crawled back into bed, my two frightened dogs joining me. I was about to turn out the light when I heard something, a simple sound, that made all the little pieces of the puzzle fit, it was coming from my bathroom, it was the sound of blocks.

The falling of blocks to be exact, I remembered hearing the sound before, coming from my behind my bathroom wall. I had a theory that there was someone back there, playing with the blocks, now the theory rang true as ever. This must’ve been why the man was so mad at Mr. Masters its because when he made all these renovations one of the ghosts was trapped. Someone the ghost knew.

It all made sense now, I laid there listening to the blocks fall. Thinking about whatever or whoever was trapped behind that wall during the renovation. Soon the blocks fell for the final time and my eyes dropped as quickly as the blocks did. I surprisingly slept peacefully for the duration of the night.

The author's comments:
This is a short story I wrote about my friend and her first paranormal expirience.


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