Interview with a Religious Sister | Teen Ink

Interview with a Religious Sister

November 10, 2012
By brillblonde GOLD, Thornton, Pennsylvania
brillblonde GOLD, Thornton, Pennsylvania
16 articles 1 photo 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hold tight because shadows get lost in the light. And sometimes, fate and your dreams will collide"-Joe Brooks.
"Just give me a pen and I'll write my worries"- Ed Sheeran
"Only fools are satisfied"-Billy Joel

Could you imagine leaving everything and everyone you know for a life of servitude and prayer? For most people, this sounds like the last thing they would want to do, but not for Sister Danielle Therese. A sister is commonly mistaken for being the same as a nun, but a nun lives a much more cloistered life, while a sister is actively present in a community, and has a specific job. Sister Danielle originally was a student at Immaculata University studying music, but now is an IHM sister teaching theology.
Deciding to remove yourself from your set path and familiar life were much easier for her than it sounds. Sister says that she has felt the calling of God since she was in high school, but her parents told her to try a year at college first. They believed that their daughter had a future career in music, but God had other plans for Sister. When asked if she herself had had any doubts about becoming a sister she replied with a quick “No, never.”
Her friends and family had strong reactions to her joining a religious life. She says “My friends couldn’t see me being so confined to a way of life. My parents felt as if I was throwing my life away and that I could do so much more with my talents and education”. Even without the help of those closest to her, Sister Danielle stayed passionate to her vocation and joined the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM). Sr. Danielle says “I had dated and experienced life and even with the lack of my parents support my vocation remained strong.”

Today she is a sister teaching Theology at a Catholic all-girls school. When describing the best part of being a teacher she said “being able to teach young people about God that would hopefully deepen their faith” is the most rewarding part of being a religion teacher. Had she not become a Sister, she says she would have become a teacher anyway or maybe a social worker. Her choice of other professions shows her strong dedication to helping others.
Although she loves living a religious life, this isn’t to say there are no challenges. Sr. Danielle describes the most difficult part as being “the lack of young people answering to religious life.” Another difficulty about pursing a religious calling can be the misconceptions that people have about people in the profession. Sister said that the most common ones are “that religious people don’t have a life, couldn’t find a boyfriend, and were running away from something.”
What Sister Danielle hopes most for in the future is that “through educating young people they will find a deeper meaning of the place their faith plays in their lives and that they will stay strong in their moral convictions”.
I am so glad to have someone as inspirational and motivational as her for a teacher. Sister Danielle is currently getting a degree in guidance, and hopes to continue teaching or become a guidance counselor. She is a great person to meet and an even greater person to talk to. I was so glad I had the chance to speak with her, even if she assigns me homework tonight.

The author's comments:
An interview I had with my theology teacher


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