The Destiny of the Drama Department | Teen Ink

The Destiny of the Drama Department

April 28, 2010
By JNG95 SILVER, Roslyn Heights, New York
JNG95 SILVER, Roslyn Heights, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Royal Crown Players (the Rusland drama department), affectionately known as RCP, stages two plays per year with the 9th-12th grade students comprising the casts. During a play, sopranos cause goosebumps to rise on the listener’s arms, tenors sing with more vibrato than at a Broadway play, and the acting is incomparable to any other school performance on Long Island. Nikki Sowre, a freshman at RHS, has participated in both of the RCP plays this year, and has been successful within them. Although she was cast as assisting roles in the 2009-2010 school shows, it is definite that in her future, Nikki can look forward to main roles and singing solos.

In addition to her participation in the Royal Crown Players, Nikki is involved in Junior Varsity Oral Interpretation, which is a sector of the Rusland Forensics Team. This past weekend, Nikki obtained the Fourth place title at the Forensics State Championship in her category. She is now the top-ranked freshman in the state. Nikki Sowre has decided to sit down with me and provide details about the achievements, interests, and exceptional voice that make her who she is.

Where were you born and what were your earliest memories from that place?
-I was born in Westchester, NY, but I lived in Bayside, NY. I remember the apartment that my mom, dad, and I lived in at the time better than anything else, but I don’t remember it that well.
At what age did you discover your love for singing and acting and what was your first experience with these activities?
-I loved singing ever since I could talk and would make up my own songs. I participated in my first play when I was 5 because I loved signing, and I wanted the opportunity to sing in front of audience. At that play, I discovered my love for acting.
What was the first play that you were in and what character did you portray?
-I was in At the Movies at the Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center, and I was part of the “Pink Group”.
Why do you like to participate in singing and acting activities?
-I get to change into a character who is not me, and express my feelings and thoughts through both the character and the songs.
What is your favorite part of participating in these activities and why?
-I like to get into the songs and sing with emotion and portray understanding of what they mean because I can show what I’m feeling or what the character is feeling to the audience.
What led to you to want to audition for the 2009-2010 Royal Crown Players?
-I have been in shows since I was 5, so naturally I would want to continue pursuing my talent in the High School.
What character did you play in the Spelling Bee and what was your experience with the character?
-I was a sibling of Leaf Coneybear. It was fun, even though it was a small part.
How often did you attend rehearsals for the Spelling Bee and in the end, do you feel that it was beneficial for you to involve yourself in the play?
-I attended them often after the February break, and had to be at rehearsal everyday of the week before the show. I feel that it was beneficial for me to be in the play because I got to perform and meet kids that I would be working with more in the future.
What other hobbies do you pursue outside of school and of those, which is your favorite and why?
-I sing outside of school and take voice lessons once a week. I also ski as much as I can during the winter. Both are equally important to me.
Are you involved in other plays outside of RHS and if so, how did you find out about them?
-Currently, I am in Les Miserables. I found out from a friend of my mom’s, and I am playing Cosette.
Would you consider involving yourself in next years’ RCP shows?
-I definitely would.
What is your favorite extracurricular activity that you participate in?
-Speech/Forensics is my favorite because I like performing and I can express myself through my piece.
Who is your favorite actor or actress and why?
-Julie Andrews because she has been in many shows that I like, and has played many memorable characters.
What was the Broadway play you most enjoyed and why?
-Phantom of the Opera because the storyline is filled with drama and romance, and the songs are unbelievable. I love the show so much.
As a present ninth grade student, what advice would you give to the upcoming 9th graders who are considering auditioning for RCP in the 2010-2011 school year?
-Have fun at your audition and don’t be too nervous. If you don’t get a huge part this year, don’t worry, your time will come.

The author's comments:
She sings. She acts. She's Nikki Sowre, the future of RCP, and the future is bright.

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