iDance | Teen Ink


January 11, 2010
By Anonymous

Taking place on Saturday, December 19, Student Senate will be having the iDance to raise money for South Division.

The iDance is, according to Senior Trevor, “Sweet-Techno-Rave-Party Dance.”
New students from Africa are enrolling into South Division. These students are not prepared for the Wisconsin Winter, lacking such clothing as hats, mittens and winter coats. The money raised from this will be sent directly to South Division to buy these students winter clothes.

The idea for the iDance came from Student Senate President Trevor. “I like to dance,” he said. “I wanted to add more dances into the year in order to satiate my dancing fever. This is a great opportunity to have a dance and help raise money.”

Student Senate has been trying to add more dances into the school year. Starting with the Fall Ball, the dance became the Yule Tide Ball and finally became the iDance.

With tickets that went on sale Tuesday, the anticipation for this fundraiser dance is high. From amusing announcements from Trevor to him dancing around in Christmas Lights at lunch, Student Senate is spreading the news of the iDance.

Tickets are on sale for $5 until Friday, which prices will be then $10 at the door. The dance goes from 4:30pm until 11:30pm, where Student Senate has set up fog machines and lasers. This dance does not have a formal dress code, so relax and satisfy your dancing fever.


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