Community Voice | Teen Ink

Community Voice

January 31, 2019
By 21mdonald BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
21mdonald BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi, my name is Damon Blank. I was born in Houston, Texas and lived with my mother, father, and two brothers during the first eighteen years of my life. Being the middle child in a family of boys was extremely exciting but also challenging, as the competitive spirit was brought out. Along with my brothers, I was immensely close with my parents. As long as I kept them informed about my social and school life, we were able to make our own decisions seeing they were the right ones. My brothers, friends and I would often ride BMX bikes in a lightly wooded area next to our homes. I went camping with my nephew several years ago and was immediately reminded of these memories as I smelled the damp earth combined with crisp, dead leaves and the sweet but bitter scent of freshly planted Ginkgo trees. Throughout high school, I played soccer and became a pole vaulter on the track team. On birthdays, I always requested my favorite Mexican food, Del Taco. The crispy, fragile taco shells crackling in my mouth and the taste of seasoned, seared chicken always lit up my day. One of my favorite memories as a child during the summertime was making “Sun Tea” daily with my mom and brothers. To this day, I can still feel the tickling sensation in my throat and taste the sparkling candied-like beverage as I drank the tea brewed in the Texas sunshine.

As a young child and well into my high school years, I had dreamed of becoming an astronaut. Space and aviation truly fascinated me. Beginning when I walked into a space museum when I was six, I immediately dreamt of becoming the first man to walk on the moon. I was encouraged after seeing the twinkling stars through the telescope too large for my small, delicate eyes, and hearing the scratchy and strident voices of former astronauts recorded on low quality tapes as they drifted through an infinite amount of space surrounding the earth.

Although I did not accomplish these goals, I am honored more than words can describe to serve as a firefighter in my community every day and save the lives of others. Being a firefighter is challenging at times, but I would not trade it for any other job. Arriving at the station at 6:30 AM does not sound enjoyable, and it appears to be even more unpleasing to hear that I live at the fire station for 24 hours while I am on shift, but I truly adore my job. The feeling of saving someone from a burning building is breathtaking. As my team and I approach the scene overtaken by thick, rising smoke as puffy as cumulus clouds and surrounded by screeching outcries, we immediately imagine the moments we will save the people inside. Occasionally, these moments don’t happen, which is extremely heartbreaking, but I pray for these families on a regular basis. Despite the mental and physical challenges I face in my job, I would not trade it for a thing and encourage anyone I can to become a firefighter.

As I have grown up, I have come to realize the importance of my values and morals. Faith plays a vital role in my life, and I trust God to lead and guide me through life and its obstacles. By growing up and attending church with friends and family, God’s word has been embedded into my morals and I strive to teach my daughter about the importance of having Him in her life. I am very involved in politics and enjoy learning about this topic. I’m a critic of uninformed political protest. Something that frustrates me in life is when people follow the actions of others without having a strong passion or desire to take part in it themselves. If I were president, one of the first things I would improve for the United States would be more affordable higher education. I am very lucky to send my daughter to a great private school, but it is not possible for everyone. I am a firm believer in that one is not capable of deciding where they are born, what situation they are born into, or who they are born to, so the school quality kids are influenced by is not in their control. I would work to make schools better for all, not just those who are financially stable.

Outside of my career, being a father is my top priority. My greatest life memory is becoming a dad to the best daughter I could ask for. Being a parent has encouraged me in many ways to be thankful and patient. The best feeling is when a soft, delicate hand grabs mine and I can feel a bright smile overtaking my daughter’s fragile face illuminate my day. My current dreams are to retire and spend more quality time with my family. I am often asked if I could go anywhere in the world where would it be, and my answer would be London, England. I have always dreamt of visiting the West Ham United soccer team and would love to tour this outstanding place with my family.

Overall, my life has been nothing too far out of the ordinary, but I love serving my community and being involved in my tight-knit family.

The author's comments:

I interviewed a local firefighter who lives in the Houston area and serves our community daily. By interviewing this person, I learned that there are many jobs that require people to risk their lives for people they have never even met on a daily basis. It struck me that although someone can help in their community and participate in charitable work, many people risk their lives for others every day. Through this interview, I have come to be more grateful for what I have and the time I have with loved ones and friends. By gaining insight on what it is like to be a father and firefighter through an interview over email and phone, I learned a lot about someone active in our community that I did not know.


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