My Heroes | Teen Ink

My Heroes

November 5, 2015
By Carolinesmith BRONZE, Gorham, Maine
Carolinesmith BRONZE, Gorham, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Heroes
         Imagine this, no comic books, no movies, no cartoons, no superheroes. Who would be the role models of young boys and girls? Who would all of the children look up to? Nobody would know what to do without superheroes. Growing up with two older sisters and two parents gave me plenty of different “heroes” in my life. Naming one hero would nearly be impossible. My oldest sister Erin, is responsible for shaping me in sports. She gave me the proper advice to follow her successful footsteps in soccer, and softball. My older sister Julia, is responsible for shaping me into the sociable girl I am today. She gave me advice on clothing, friendships, relationships, and more. Now, my two parents, Christine and Christopher, or what I like to call them, Mom and Dad, have raised me into a polite young lady. My extraordinary family members are my heroes.
           Erin, the oldest, the wisest, and I hate to admit it, but the most athletic. Erin has always been a role model for me, especially when it comes to sports. Growing up, she was the tomboy of my family. Some days we would have a “getting along day” as my mom would like to call it, where I would dress just like her (baggy t-shirt and sweatpants). We would do different physical activities that she would normally do everyday while I was inside watching T.V. As we grew older and Erin got into high school, she set the standards high. As a freshman, Erin made the varsity softball team along with many different phenomenal athletes. She would advise me in softball as I played on a babe ruth softball team along with the middle school team. As well as softball, she was also a great soccer player and still is to this day. Erin would go outside with me and throw the ball up for me to volley. I remember a specific time when she prepared me for premiere soccer tryouts. When it comes to sports, Erin is my hero.
             Julia, the second oldest, the most independent, and the most “popular”. Growing up with Julia, I always looked up to her, especially when it came to fashion. No matter what, Julia always had a cute outfit on whether we were going to a fancy event or just going to school. In high school, things got a little bit harder. Everyone loved Julia and thought she was the prettiest of the pretty. I started to feel like I was just thought of as “Julia’s little sister” to everyone. Though, even after getting all of those compliments, she always made sure to tell me how beautiful I am and that I’m too good for everyone. Now, Julia is a freshmen at Coastal Carolina in South Carolina. I don't get to see her often unless its a holiday or special event. Once in a while, Julia will FaceTime me and we will talk about all of the gossip in our lives. Sometimes, I will even FaceTime her to have her pick an outfit out for me to wear to school. Not only has Julia helped become the friendly person I am today, but she also got me interested in my greatest passion, cheering. Julia is my social hero.
             My mom and dad have made me the person I am today. I can’t thank them enough for being the two best possible heroes. They have been there for me no matter what and have always found a way to support my family even through hard times. Both of them have made me who I am today. They are both superheroes in my eyes. Although, they don’t have the normal superhero powers, they have their own unique powers. My father does as much as he can to help me with anything I need. He will drive me anywhere and everywhere whether it be driving me home from school everyday, or driving me to tumbling class once a week. My mother has given me the love that any daughter could ask for. She makes me feel like the most loved teenage girl on Earth. My parents have the superpowers to make me feel greatly loved and special. They truly are my superheroes.
           Life without superheroes is unimaginable. Think about all of the little boys and girls who look up to them. Each superhero has their own unique power just like the members in my family. Despite the fact that my family members don’t have super strong or flying powers, they all have the power of caring for me. Being the baby of the family, my family protects me in every way possible, and I would not want it any other way. My extraordinary family members are my superheroes.

The author's comments:

I hope that people will realize how important family is. Never take your family granted even for a second because at any moment or time, they can be taken from you. I hope you all appreciated the people in your life that do the most for you.  

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