Mr. Boyer | Teen Ink

Mr. Boyer

April 25, 2016
By WestonDec BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
WestonDec BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a principal that took time out of his day to get you to a place where you needed to be, or a principal who you could count on to have a fun conversation with. Well lucky for me, that's exactly what I had for 3 years in A.I Middle. Me and my principal Mr. Boyer and I had a close bond throughout my years in A.I. We would always talk to each other and try to prove to each other which one was #1 in my school. We had such a great student-principal bond that I think no other kid was lucky enough to have. To also add to all of this he has also taken me to verizon for an SD card.

    When I went to open house to check and see if i would like A.I, I came across Mr.Boyer. My dad and I started talking to him trying to understand what about this school is unique. As we left the open house, he was standing at the door thanking people for coming. I came back to that school in August as I did like that school, so I chose to go to it. It was that day we started talking. As I started talking to him, I felt a vibe that showed me that he cared who attended his school and that he felt that it was important to make sure all of the students were happy. Every day after that one  we talked to each other; I miss that.

    There are many reasons why I think Mr. Boyer is the perfect principal, but there is one that sticks out so far that it is more than obvious, and that is that he drove me and others to their homes if they missed the bus or couldn’t get a ride. Now if you ask me, that is true respect. In the 3 years I been at A. I he helped me get home about 3 to 4 times because my mom and my dad could get me, and 2 of those 3 to 4 times I wasn't the only one he was helping.

    In 8th grade the most epic and coolest thing happened to me in only one way, as the other way sucked. Around the end of 8th and my last year there my phone had been stolen by my friend, at least I thought. When they stole my phone, they sold my $35 case and flushed my SD card down the toilet. It took 3 to 4 days for them to return my phone, but on the last day they did. Mr. Boyer was very mad over this topic, so he asked my mom if he was able to take me to get a new SD card at verizon. The next day we went to verizon and he helped try to get it, but we both left unhappy only to find out that you need to be on the contract or plan to get it, but the sheer thought of him trying was worth it.

    In conclusion, Mr. Boyer is a fun, happy, and generous man. And that is why I find him perfect for the Educator of the Year Award. When my teacher told me about The Educator of the Year contest and to think about someone who means the most to me in the school part of life, I didn't take a second thought when it came to him. I was very grateful to have him as my middle school principal, and without going to A.I, I don't know how my life would be now. Thanks, Mr. Boyer

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