ms bonlender | Teen Ink

ms bonlender

February 15, 2024
By Anonymous

As I walked into my first class of the day at Arrowhead Union High School–it felt weird being around all these new faces and I felt out of place because all of them had already spent a year getting to know each other while I on the other hand had stayed home and did school virtually freshman year.


“Hi, welcome,” Ms. Bonlender says.

 I squeak back quietly “Hi” as I sit down in the blue plastic chair at the back of the classroom. I hope this is the right classroom, I thought, I don’t wanna get lost on the first day. I ask, “Is this room 308 for algebra 1st period?” I sit there anxiously waiting for a reply.

“Yep you are in the right place” and that made all my anxiety wash away. 

Since then every Monday I walk in and I start by asking “How are doing on this fine day Ms. Bonlender”


She answers “I'm doing great, how about you Peyton” Then I go on and on about what had happened either the night or the weekend before and she listens intently asking questions about what happened and helping me sort out problems in my life at the time.

Now after failing algebra in 8th grade, I despised math so I did not like how my day was always going to start there but as soon as I walked through that door I knew that I was gonna be fine because Ms. Bonlender was so kind to everyone and made everyone feel welcome in how she meet everyone with a beaming smile and a positive attitude

She reignited my love for stuff like science and math when the flame was about to go out. If it was any different teacher I think I would have been okay with math-related stuff but because of how she made sure everyone was caught up and understood the worksheets and how she was able to make it understandable by using real-life situations I became great at it

She always slowed down whenever I fell behind, she helped me to understand the complex variables and algorithms. When I was ever feeling down I knew I could talk to her and she would listen, and I knew that every time I walked into the classroom I would be welcomed and met with kindness.

She is just the most supportive, welcoming, brilliant person I think I will ever meet. She was there when I felt I was alone, and I am so thankful for that. So, thank you Ms. Bonlender for always brightening up my day and for making me feel welcome.

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