Mrs. Gearheart-Educator of the year! William Chrisman Highschool, Biology. | Teen Ink

Mrs. Gearheart-Educator of the year! William Chrisman Highschool, Biology.

February 11, 2023
By Savyyy SILVER, Independance, Missouri
Savyyy SILVER, Independance, Missouri
5 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Let your unique awesomeness and positive energy inspire confidence in others.”

Teachers everywhere deserve an award for all they do. An award especially for them putting kindness first everyday. Everyday they wake up wanting to help their students even knowing they don't make a lot of money, but they still do it. Teachers always hae a special place in their heart for students like us. But if  I had to choose between all of them, no questions asked Mrs.Gearhart is definitely the one to choose.

No matter what we do, Or how many problem we cause she will always be there to help us with whatever we need to complete. On the days before tests she always helps us by going over prep test questions and helps make us all flashcards and filled in notes to help us study for the tests. On days without tests she encourages us to ask many questions and always says that “No matter how bad the question may be, I guarantee one person in the room also has it but is also afraid to ask”. She also helps give out binders and organization tools such as notebooks, folders, dividers and even colored pens to help us  with color coding within our notes.


When you find senors or any upper classmen in general messing with us shes always there to solve the problem. When your in a fight she will always be there to stick up for you, well that is if your in the right. She always does the best to promote and encourage wellbeing and positivity amongst all us students. No matter if shes having a bad day she tries to not let it get to her and focuses on helping us learn life skills, solve challenges and so on.  She helps us not in just her class but in others as well. Even if she don't understand the subject or topic herself she will help us look for information about it or help complete previous notes or assignments and look through textbooks to help us out. 


As well as a caring teacher, shes also a student council or Stucco advisor. As that shes very honest and wont be afraid to tell us the truth no matter how bad it is. She helps students in need of school supplies even if they aren't well known to her and will help provide snack to those with low blood sugar or in need of energy, Shes very energetic and an outgoing teacher and I believe she deserves more appreciation for all she has done in her classes, our school and the community.

The author's comments:

A great thanks to all who help and teach us all the time! A special thanks to Mrs.Gearheart for helping everyone at my school be the best they can be and to help us grow and learn along the way.

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