Hurricane Hugo: Why I Cry For St. Croix | Teen Ink

Hurricane Hugo: Why I Cry For St. Croix MAG

By Anonymous

   The damage done by Hugo hasn't just scarred the tropical landscape, but it has scarred the people, their lives, their homes, their whole lifestyle.

St. Croix was one of the Caribbean islands hardest hit by Hurricane Hugo. Over 90% of the homes were damaged in some way. I cry because I loved my island, as I called it. I lived in St. Croix for a year. It was my home; it was my life.

When my father was asked to be an interim pastor for a year on St. Croix, he accepted. I hated it at first. Oh, it was beautiful, but I had no friends, I had nothing. My New England blood disliked terribly the constant heat, the overpowering sunshine, but it was beautiful. The people's love and innocent kindness finally reached my hardened heart. Oh, how they loved us, my family and me.

The West Indians are a different culture. They think differently, they talk differently, but they all love the same. Now as the people try to pick up broken belongings and broken dreams, we can only cry for them.

President Bush sent troops to restore order and to evacuate those in danger. What is happening is very sad. The people and the store owners are taking the law into their own hands. They are not taking responsibility for their actions. But what is happening is understandable, it is almost predictable.

One of the island's popular sayings is "It's not my job, Mon." Well that's exactly what's happening now. The prison guards have left their post-the police have left their stations and have joined in the looting. The island is in a state of chaos and all we can do is wait and cry - wait to hear if any have been hurt, wait for any bit of news, a phone call, a picture, anything. But we are still waiting.

My best friend lived on St. Croix. The only friend I ever found, the "bestest" friend I'll ever have. I don't know if she is hurt, or if she is homeless, or if she has died, but I have hope.

I want to help so badly, but there is no way I can. All I can do is wait and pray and cry. n

Editor's Note: There are many relief organizations that help disaster victims. Call the Red Cross for more information.

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i love this so much!