Adoption | Teen Ink

Adoption MAG

By Anonymous

   I was adopted from Korea when I was 11-months-old. I don't remember anything that happened before that, but all I care is that I'm here now with a family to love and take care of me. People ask me, "What is it like to be adopted?" or "Do you know what happened to your parents?" or "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" or "Would you like to go back to Korea?"

The only big difference in being adopted is that we look different. Other than that, we argue sometimes, disagree on certain things, and may get mad at each other sometimes. Do I know what happened to my parents, or do I have brothers or sisters? The paper work (you get when you're adopted) explains the information they know about you, so basically that tells you. Definitely, I'd love to go and visit Korea someday!

The truth is that I never feel left out. There are groups of adopted children that get together to get to know other children of their race and learn about their culture. Sometimes there are special Korean day camps which teach you about Korean culture.

There are times where I may be called names like "Chinese Eyes." What do I do? I just ignore them because I KNOW that I'm not Chinese.

Today I may look Korean and have Korean genes, but the truth is that I'm an American at heart! n

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This article has 3 comments.

i love this so much!

MetallixRose said...
on May. 29 2011 at 11:22 pm
Hey, nice story. I hope you get to go see Korea someday. Have a happy life!

puppylove911 said...
on Oct. 1 2008 at 4:38 pm
Hey, I feel you. I was adopted too. i think i was like 9 months or something. i hate when people ask you stupid questions about what happened before...i don't remember anything. i was adopted from China. I don't see a adoption group though. I hate when people ask like how it was like....and about your different family...i also say i only have one family. I don't like having to explain why i am different...I would love to talk to you....