Mail Call | Teen Ink

Mail Call

December 1, 2016
By ItsChuckyTime GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ItsChuckyTime GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

My name is Charles, and I am a junior in high school. I would just like to express my appreciation for your service and everything you have done to keep our prestigious liberty. Words cannot describe all you have done for this country, and your actions go beyond recognition.

Young men like myself look up to you, and the impact you have made on our nation is of the same caliber we wish to achieve. Thanks to you we are free. I have a lot of respect for veterans and the sacrifices they make to protect people like myself. The credit you get is not the credit you deserve, as what you deserve is beyond capability.  Your actions have roared louder than giants and a simple thank you is the absolute least I can do for a true hero like you. You are proof that heroes don’t always wear capes. So thank you. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for maintaining my freedom. And above all, thank you for allowing me to come into a country where I can choose my own path and create my own legacy.

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