The Force is with Me | Teen Ink

The Force is with Me MAG

By Anonymous

   "Star Wars," part of mypersonality, has been embedded in me irreversibly. My nicknameis R2 and my earliest memory is watching Han Solo andChewbacca pilot the Millennium Falcon.

I picked up"Star Wars" before I started middle school. I readevery book, and bought every collectible. Even now I couldtell you the home planet of every alien in Jabba's palace."Star Wars," complex and detailed, gave me somethingto focus on during tumultuous years, filling a strangely emptytime for me and considerably brightening myadolescence.

"Star Wars" also taught me thevalue of a dollar. Collecting all the Star Wars items wasexpensive. I learned to barter when I had to have that Ewokfigurine at the flea market.

I also learned lifelessons from the movies. Some were easy, like rewinding to thepart where Han and Leia kiss to see exactly when you'resupposed to close your eyes. But some were more difficult. Ilearned that everyone has a dark side - something they'vehidden. I gained a better understanding of people by applyingthings I'd seen in the movies to people I knew and findingstriking similarities. My teachers were a lot like Yoda:annoying at times, but in the end, they just want to help youout.

I'd like to thank George Lucas, creator of"Star Wars" for letting me share his dream. May theForce be with you, Mr. Lucas.

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

StarWarsFan said...
on Oct. 21 2010 at 4:24 pm
StarWarsFan, Port Orchard, Washington
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TOP RAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a huge star wars fan (it is my name tag on this web site!!) I have read a lot of books, played a lot of games, and i have known about star wars ever since i was 4! I collect STar Wars CCG trading cards, which give me a lot of info. I also am trying to write a star wars book in the future. May the force be with you!!!!!!8