Hold me Up When I Fall | Teen Ink

Hold me Up When I Fall

January 13, 2009
By Alexis Cavazos BRONZE, Hanford, California
Alexis Cavazos BRONZE, Hanford, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I fell into a hole. It was black, cold and I was very alone. You appeared, as a silhouette; shadowing the light, looking down at me. You threw down a rope. I anxiously grabbed it and tried to pull myself up. But there was no support. And I fell on my back.

I called for you and begged. I cried and you didn't echo back. My voice disappeared into the walls of this hollow. My cries were obscured by the clouded atmosphere. I knew that you weren't there; I knew that you had left.

I clawed my way out. On my own. Without you. I was greeted by the sun and the open sky. And there you were groveling over your shame. I called for you again. But I was omitted from this reality. You didn’t even notice me. I wasn't taken aback; it was only expected. And I did not weep. I didn't waste another tear or another day. I confronted you with my eyes. But your eyes were no longer seeing. So I turned my back on you.

I looked to the beauty of the heavens. Someone else was waiting for me. An ubiquitous guardian. He lead me away from this impossible grievance, arm in arm, into the sun and the everlasting sky. I stagger beside him and never look back. Instead I stare into his eyes. Those eyes that see right through me. And he holds me up as I fall.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece from a past experience I had. I was in a bad relationship and I felt that I had no way out because I just wanted someone to have for my own. That person took me for granted and used me but I was scared to move on. Through this article, I want readers to know that no matter how long you have been with someone or no matter how much they say they love you, deliberate abandonment and depreciation is never acceptable. Never settle for someone that doesn't treat you the best because everyone deserves to be treated with love and appreciation.

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This article has 3 comments.

band_2 said...
on Apr. 27 2009 at 4:24 am
i thought this article has a great lesson to it.

i think a lot of teenagers go through this once in their life.

The way you wrote this makes people learn that its not the end of the world if the guy you liked treats you badly.

Reader said...
on Jan. 25 2009 at 3:17 am
You are a very talented writer and a spark of hope for other people going through the same thing.

hellopanda said...
on Jan. 25 2009 at 2:32 am
wow your a very very talented writer and musician!

the way you wrote this really taught me something.