My First Trip To The Park | Teen Ink

My First Trip To The Park

December 1, 2008
By Anonymous

When you are a young child growing up, there are always new experiences to be had. There is your first few steps, your first birthday, and first Christmas, but there was nothing more exciting to me then the first time I had ever went to the park.

The cold mysterious night had faded away and it had been daylight for quite some time when I smelt the crisp smell of bacon lingering around our house one morning. I opened one eye stretched my arms to the ceiling and began to get ready for a wonderful Saturday. I walked down the stairs in a half awake manor stumbling a little on the way. I made my way into the kitchen where the smell of a wonderful breakfast made my stomach growl as if there was a monster trapped inside of it.

I sat down at the table, ate my breakfast, and went upstairs to get ready for what we were doing that day. As I was on my way to shower and getting dressed, my mom informed me that my grandfather would be picking me up in 2 hours to take me somewhere. I finally finished getting ready and headed back down the tumbling staircase to see my grandfather who was talking to my mom and waiting on me to get ready.

My grandfather and I both headed for the car for a day of unknown surprises. I asked my grandfather where we were going and after asking this, slow upward motion began to transform with his lips in which he smiled and simply replied “you never know.” After about 20 minutes of driving and looking out the window at the busy world as if I were an outsider looking in, we finally arrived at a place I have never been before.

I stepped out of the car and gazed outward and saw large trees with birds singing away and beyond that a magical fortress of kids running around playing happily, swinging, and sliding. Before my grandfather could get out the words, “go ahead,” I was already running with the biggest smile. I was king of the world that day climbing up steep mountains then sliding down in a make believe world I have never seen. I never wanted to leave this new form of excitement, but it came time to leave so even though I was slightly disappointed I got back in the car and turned to my grandfather and said “Can we go again tomorrow.” He gave his usual grin and gently replied “you never know.”

The author's comments:
I am in AP literature and one of our assignments this year was to write something and attempt to get it published. In the class we had to write a descriptive essay about the first time going to the park and i felt that this was my best work so far and decided to publish this essay.

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This article has 3 comments.

Denise said...
on Jan. 7 2009 at 4:05 pm
Wow!What a great story..I felt like the child going on the adventure.

vickin said...
on Jan. 7 2009 at 12:41 pm
Very descriptive and makes you feel like you are there going on a trip to the park.

Melanie said...
on Jan. 6 2009 at 2:47 pm
Loved this story! I can just picture this little child and his grandfather that day. What a sweet memory to have! I thought you did a great job bringing the reader to the park along with the characters!! Look forward to your future writings!