Networks | Teen Ink


January 6, 2014
By oliviabudnovitch2 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
oliviabudnovitch2 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Many teenagers are on social networking today. What they might not realize is that everyone can see what they post, it’s almost as if someone is walking right through your house. I believe young Americans share too much on social networking.

Critics have said that there is nothing we can do to protect our young Americans online because it’s too late. I disagree because many things can be done like keeping privacy settings updated and informing them what could happen if they don’t. That way strangers and possible predators can’t see your personal information. If you see someone not being safe online you need to help them so they don’t do anything stupid and get themselves in trouble.

Also many people argue that teens are just “having fun” and most teens are smart enough to know when someone isn’t who they think they are. I also disagree because sometimes people are really good at covering up who they really are and behind the mask they created for themselves, they’re really bad people. One of my friends was tricked online by someone who didn’t turn out to be who she thought. She turned out to be okay, but she was humiliated.

Everything today is about how many likes or followers you have and most people will do anything to get them. They might share more revealing pictures or other information making it easier for predators to find you. Would you let a stranger walk right through your house? probably not, but that’s what it’s like if you post too much of your personal information online. Everyone can see everything about you. Everyone has access to your information including job companies and the type of things you post can reflect badly on you.

Young Americans share too much on social media and it can affect you in the future like when you’re trying to find a job. Some possible solutions to stay safe online are to not post anything you might regret in the future and keep your privacy settings updated.

The author's comments:
Today's cyber world is very dangerous and many people are sharing too much with people they don't know, hopefully this article will be an eye opener to how dangerous it really is out in the real world

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