A Veiling Fog | Teen Ink

A Veiling Fog

November 5, 2013
By WittyWannabe BRONZE, Bosque Farms, New Mexico
WittyWannabe BRONZE, Bosque Farms, New Mexico
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Silent, calm, and steady in its nature. Creeping, saturating the air with water, and fearful possibilities in the minds of little ones. Aiding and abetting the creatures of secrecy, hiding their gruesome, nightmarish faces inside the depths of its white, watery folds. Not to be mistaken, it is more than just a blanket to cover the eyes of the naïve, but the ultimate assassin’s idol. It is seen, but it is not heard; it is silence. It is but a cloud over the blind eyes we already see through, just a miniscule obstruction. White, but unmistakably dark and mystic, the sun erases its trace from the surfaces of the earth, leaving behind nothing to follow, absolutely nothing to chase. As if it had never occurred, the dense, terror-concealing mist has evaporated, leaving us to glance at what is left in its wake. To gaze upon the monsters that prowl everyday life.

The author's comments:
Decided I was going to be late for school one day because I couldn't let the inspiration evaporate like the fog did.

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