Behind the wheel | Teen Ink

Behind the wheel

October 30, 2013
By fluffygarcia23 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
fluffygarcia23 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My first time driving

The first time I ever drove a car was at the age of 15. It was a bright late winter day. The first car I drove was a Mercedes Benz CLK 500. Well me and my sister were going to her house and she suddenly stopped in a neighborhood. She asked me "how old are you?" And I said "15 why?" So she got out of the car.

Even though I was very excited I was also feeling nervous at the same time. She opened my door and said "go to the other seat". Me being excited I didn't replied at all I just did what she told me to do. After I went to the drivers side I put my seatbelt on and proceeded to drive. I drove like 10 minutes to drive to her house but I was really nervous.

Something about that car made me feel as if it was very safe to drive. The Mercedes CLK 500 was black and a 2 door car. It had a 1.8L engine and had 184 horsepower. Even though it looked difficult to drive because of all of the fancy features it was easier than I thought. Believe it or not turning right was difficult because you had to hold the steering wheel and turn on the blinkers at the same time.

During those ten minutes of driving time I had to switch from the right lane all the way to the left. That was difficult because people didn't s let me switch lanes because of the "student driver" sticker on the bumper. Even though those jerks didn't let me go by I managed to get to the right lane. It was time to do my first turn and no cars were coming so I quickly did it and really good. We finally reached her house and I came out of the car with my legs shaking.

My sister finally finished doing what she needed to do. She pulled the car out of her driveway and since she saw me putting my seatbelt on she told me "don't get too comfortable because you're driving back. Right then and there in undid the seatbelt and got out of the car. I waited on the light to turn green and drove off. Minutes later I had to merge into traffic and I did that good. Finally my first u-turn came up and actually did it fast and really good and then finally got home

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