My Pets | Teen Ink

My Pets

May 9, 2013
By CALLEN BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
CALLEN BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life isn't about how popular you are... what girl or boy your dating or who you know. life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in ......"

Loveable, fun, friendly and loud are all of the ways to describe my pets. I have 6 pets, Zoey is a golden doodle (she is s golden retriever and a poodle mixed), Bella is a four mix dog breed (she is made up of a Chihuahua, poodle, Dachshund and Cocklespanle.), Orin (a dwarf bunny who is part albino), Tigger (she is a tabby cat), Possum (she is a Siamese), Morpheus (a Gina pig).
Each one has their own personality that we love/hate. Zoey is the bossy clown of the rest of them. Zoey has to have a ball in her mouth and when we throw the ball she mostly runs into the wall just to catch the ball and I laugh at her every time. She would beg you to pet her and when you are done she begs some more and she would even do that for treats. Bella knows that she is cute and know how beg with her big eyes. She would sit and star at you for whatever she wants and she would throw that around.
Tigger and Possum are the outside cats. Possum is the queen of the masters because she wants to be pet but not at the same time. Possum would meow for a lot of things like I need water or I need attention. Tigger on the other hand is the needy one; she would come in go to people to people just to get pet by us. Orin is the new addition to the family. He is the cutest animal in the house. He would slide on the floor when he wasn’t on the rug but he when he is angry he nips. Morpheus is the one who would pee on people who would hold him for a while. He is so loud that I could hear him in my room when he is in the hallway.
I think that all pets are the best but my are the assume ones in the whole would. I could never think a place where my pets aren’t in it. They make everyone happy and in joy life.

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