You're not pretty? Fix it | Teen Ink

You're not pretty? Fix it

May 14, 2024
By Sondos SILVER, Riyadh, Other
Sondos SILVER, Riyadh, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you want to be pretty? Do you want to be attractive? Well, I’ve got just the thing for you, you can’t.

Did I burst your bubble? Sorry love, but did you really expect me to lie to you? Because I will not.

It's alright really, I've been lied to as well before, thus I won't be repeating the same with you.

Why do you want to be pretty? To feel good, I imagine. You don’t really need a specific reason to want to be pretty or hot or all of the above.

But being on the internet and searching for glow-up tips and such will not make you prettier. Sure, it’d make your mind prettier perhaps, having been fed all this information about how to’s and what not to’s.

What you want to do first is to identify the problem with yourself. Why are you not pretty? Beauty is subjective, but if you had deemed yourself unattractive list the reason behind that.

Perhaps you have a big nose that’s ruining your face, or you have a chubby figure not to your liking, or even how fine your hair might be is bothering you. All these are fixable, and plastic surgery doesn’t have to be the first option (although it's very helpful).

Let's take the first example, you have a big nose. Learning makeup techniques to help accentuate or camouflage is an option, another could be to do hairstyles suitable for your face shape. It could be that you do not have a big nose, you’re just doing the wrong thing for yourself. Or simply, own it. You have a big nose and you're insecure about it? Fix your confidence honey. Your nose is meant to help you breathe, not for it to look pretty, and being born with it you should not allow anyone to dare make you feel bad about it. And guess what? Times are changing and so are the beauty standards and trends.


Moving on to the second option of not liking your figure. Too skinny? Go to a nutritionist and get your diet specifically made for your body type to improve it. Too fat? Get yourself a nutritionist as well. It could be your body suffering from a problem, not necessarily that you’re lazy. Hitting the gym should become part of anyone’s lifestyle, no matter how satisfied they are with their bodies. Figuring out what the problem is solves a big chunk of it so get moving to figure it out.


The last example is about hair. Get yourself to see a professional hairstylist who knows their stuff. They deal with all hair types and textures, so whatever you’re struggling with, the chances are that they’ve seen it before if not multiple times. Get an appointment solely to discuss your hair type, your issue with it, and what to do about it. Getting a good haircut makes a world of difference.


So, if you want to be pretty, just sitting there nagging and complaining about it is going to do nothing but depress you further. Don’t give up on yourself just because you do not think things could change. Don’t forget that beauty is subjective, and being pretty is not limited to just appearances for beauty is a feeling that goes deep.

The author's comments:

Beaty and and confidence go hand in hand. 

if beauty is lacking, confidence could make up for it. However, the opposite is not true. 

still, everyone desires to fit in the beauty standards, but what happens when you're not? 

crying about it will do nothing honey, so get up and get moving. 

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