Love | Teen Ink


June 11, 2023
By Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Feelings and emotions are a part of our life. We experience a lot of emotions but there is just one of them which sums up to a complex feeling felt by someone. There is just one feeling that unites our mind, body and soul with other's mind body and soul and gives the feeling of oneness. This feeling, this emotion is Love. Love is not one emotion, it is a mixture of emotions. It is an exclusive mixture of empathy, respect, care, affection, maintenance, communication, responsibility, solitude, feeling and making others feel comfortable, feeling equal, being true and accepting one another. Love is belief and faith. Its understanding and sharing every feeling of happiness, pain, despair, excitement, stress, joy or grief. Its not always being together with one another but also having some space to be with yourself,to understand yourself. It doesnt mean blindly falling for someone and selling all of yourself for the growth of someone else but growing together morally without losing one another. Working with each other while still staying in your own space and capabilities. Appreciating and enhancing each other's strenghts while helping to strenghthen the weaknesses and conquer over fears of one other. Its a feeling of support and compassion that is shown equally and mutually between the two. It is a sense of security and a sense of trust and loyalty that even if they go apart and grow some distance and leave but they will still find a way to come back and be together. Love is a journey survived by two warriors who have gone through numerous turmoils and have even given up sometimes but always raise back on their feet and bounce back with double the energy and fight back with united strength, face everything and win the great war. Its felt in someone for whom you are happy to sacrifice and adjust while knowing your own worth and limits. It also means being so raw with one another that you can be your absolute worst and show your most crazy and most unappealing phases but still feel beautiful and loved. It is being so honest that you fight over stupid things and share your different opinions but still have an urge to try to understand other's opinions and feel their feelings and emotions and try to come to a mutually acceptable solution. Love doesn't complete you but adds more to you. It is a fresh feeling that may become dim sometimes but never dies. It is a journey when one can never feel bored but always fuel their feelings. Love is a beautiful path filled with roses that will have thorns as well but these thorns will always be overpowered with the attraction and fragrance of coordinance and compassion. Love is something which is to be cherished and something you want to feel everyday like you did the first time. It is an essence of maturity when you appreciate your own existence and life and thank god for all that you have. It is a burst of colours and flavours when everything around you seems to be mesmerizing and captivating. Love is expressed and felt in many ways, through physical affection, through little gestures or even by mere presence of anyone. It can be felt through any action. Even a mere eye contact filled with support and comfort can express love. Love itself is a language which has a lot to expression. It is an emotion that is felt even when you do not actually express it because it just radiates from you and the person is sure to get signals. Every person has this emotion. Even the most rock hearted, tough person has this emotion somewhere deep down hiding in a soft and gentle corner. This feeling of love can be ignited between anyone and for anyone, even for someone you have just met. It is not difficult to love but it is most tricky and important to maintain this love and never let it blow away. It is also important to identify this true love which can be hard at times but you will eventually figure it out. Love is like having wings at your back which will akways help you to soar high. It is like that story for which you are always intrigued to know what the next chapter will be. One might feel heartbroken and hopeless but just wait to heal beacuse one can never lose the ability to love. It is just the time that makes you think that you have lost everything but love will always find you and can lift you up from the worst. Whether it be any relationship between your parents, your partners, your siblings, your friends, your pet, yourself, your work, your passion, with food or with god, love is constant between all of them and it wouldnt work without love. There may be ups and downs, highs and lows but something to always remember is that love is golden like daylight which will always brighten and enlighten one's life and soul.

The author's comments:

This article is written by me from what i percieve the meaning of love. Hope ypu like it!

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