covid adventcher | Teen Ink

covid adventcher

June 2, 2023
By Anonymous

Last weekend me and my brother helped a friend put his truck back together which was not too surprising. We got a new 6.0 power stroke for it but before we put it in we had to pull out the head bolts and replace them with head studs because the head studs are stronger and 6.0’s are none for blowing head gaskets which is not good to have to to make the motor last longer without blowing head gaskets so that makes the truck  kind of worth more. Putting the motor in was hard even though all the nuts and bolts were already off and we had the whole front of the truck torn apart but after 2 hours of working on the motor we got the motor in your hands where could because it was cold in the middle of january it was 18 degrees outside and 29 in the shop so we warmed up our hands by the heater in the shop and told your selfies we are almost done and so we struggled to put the transmission in and the transfer case in so we can hook up the driveshafts so we could see if the truck will run and to my surprise it ran like a dream.Our friend was happy to drive it again he was so happy that he almost tockout the garage door because we closed onto the bed to help keep the cold air out and the cool air in.

 Our friend's parent was surprised that it did not tack tack as long an she was expecting but she did not know me and my brother have bilt two vehicles one was a 2001 jeep TJ witch as a wrangler one of there suv we built from the ground up during covid because we were bored and the second was a 2006 ford 6.0 powerstroke boughten by my brother bilt by me and him bilt that one from the ground up as well as well as the motor  because we could and now we are looking for another project to work on.              

The author's comments:

me and my brother tock our knowledge of working on old tractors and starts to work in cars and trucks as well

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