Embrace The Flaws | Teen Ink

Embrace The Flaws

April 9, 2023
By Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nowadays, we do a lot for our own satisfaction and happiness. It goes from changing our lifestyle to buying something new and doing every possible thing we can do. After all, who wouldn’t love to live happily? But, even after changing our lifestyle to our behaviour, we find it difficult to be happy. The chief cause for this is because we don’t accept the FLAWS!

“FLAWS”, isn’t it a heavy word? It is heavy for your own self and for others as well. What exactly are flaws? The imperfections that each one of us possesses are our flaws. There is a massive misconception about flaws which is so widely accepted in the society that we always hit upon a negative vibe from it. Flaw is something that defines each one of us, which differentiates us from the rest and that makes us unique. We all agree that we are not perfect. None of us can possess all the good qualities and be the best at everything. Something or the other always bothers us that we are not the best at. Well, we consider that thing as our ‘flaw’. So, does it mean that flaw is something bad or has a negative meaning? No, In fact flaw is normal and a part of us. It is we who have considered it negative whereas it is totally natural and acceptable. All these little things and flaws add up to who we are!

Some might consider their body shape their flaw, some might consider their colour, while for some it maybe their height or weight. Some might consider not being best at studies their flaw while some might consider not being best at sports their flaw. Considering ones physical appearances a flaw can be a really big mistake. Our physical appearances cannot be measured by any scale of perfection. We are different, unique and perfect in our own ways. We need not compare ourselves with others who are considered so called ’perfect’ in physical appearances and consider our features a flaw. We also need to accept other people as they are and need not point out any of their feature and give it the name of a flaw. Even if the thing is different and a flaw it is their flaw that makes them pretty and so goes for us as well.

When we are not good at a thing, we must try to be the best at it. However even after giving our best we fail at it then there is nothing wrong in it. We must embrace our qualities and also embrace our failure which is not a result of constant giving up but the result of constantly trying hard. We must embrace the stuff we are bad at and appreciate others as well who are good at it. This is a secret to a happy life.

Embracing your flaws and accepting who we are doesn’t mean we give a way to our bad habits and behaviour and our rude disposition saying they are our flaws. What is wrong and unacceptable and harmful for us, those habits cannot be considered a flaw and need to be changed.

The only way to stay happy and remain joyous forever is Embracing the Flaws in you and in others as well. I define myself as ‘Perfectly imperfect’ and the imperfection is perfect!

The author's comments:

Hello, I am Hiya Shah. I am currently studying in school in grade 10. Writing has always been a therapy for me. I feel writing to be the best way to express your emotions, feeling and let other people know your ideas and opinions. What can be better than following your passion as well as putting it to such a use that would help people feel better about themselves? Thus I have written this article and hope it would be liked by all the readers.

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