Unprodiable Death | Teen Ink

Unprodiable Death

January 19, 2023
By zoe-miller BRONZE, Millerburg, Indiana
zoe-miller BRONZE, Millerburg, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You miss 100% of the shots you never take."

What is it like to die? Is it peaceful? Is it stressful? Is it relaxing? Is it nothing?

We live in a world where death is “normal.” The usual thing to do in life is to breathe, live, fail or succeed, and die. No matter how important, lost, or in the shadows you are, death will always be “normal.”

We live in what they call the “middle realm.” A place is full of life. Full of breathing, normal, and safe people. We “humans” have not experienced the world(s) above and below us. No matter what you believe in. They say the world above is bright, peaceful, harmless, carefree, gentle, and healing.

The world below us is dark, scary, red, creepy, and lonely, making you feel worthless.

To lose someone can be something unforgettable. They could be the worst person in the world or be the best thing that has ever happened to you. Either way death, it’s worse than people could imagine. Losing someone is like losing a part of yourself. Someone's death can affect you in ways you didn't think possible. 

Losing someone is something you can go through so many times, but it will always hurt like it’s the first time happening. It’s something you truly can not get over. No matter how hard you try to ignore the feeling, no matter how hard you try to understand the feeling. No matter how hard you try to understand this “mindset,” death is something that’s undeniably misunderstood and will always be. 

The author's comments:

A short piece that most people in this world could relate to. 

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