Letter to Dad | Teen Ink

Letter to Dad

December 20, 2022
By Anonymous

Dear Dad, 

At first, the letter I wrote to you was going to have a negative tone because that is how I feel, but I got stuck writing. I did not know where else to go with the letter because no matter how mad I am at the way you treat me at times, you are the most genuine person. It is not in your character to purposefully treat people badly. There are times where you take your anger that you have towards yourself out on everyone else. I get that, everyone does it and we are all human. You would never do anything to hurt anyone purposely. You are the person that would take the shirt off your back and give it to anyone. I appreciate all that you do for me and our family. I do not show it often, but I appreciate how hard you are on me. You want what’s best for me. I hope one day I can grow up to be half the person you are and have your true, genuine character that everyone loves. I love you and thank you for everything.


Your daughter

The author's comments:

My dad and I don't get along that well at times, but I will always love and respect him and his character. 

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