My Dream Career | Teen Ink

My Dream Career

December 12, 2022
By Anonymous

I have this book in my room. My attention is grabbed by the first sentence of it with, “A little boy once said, ‘I wanna be a Brewer!’” This little boy repeated this statement every night aspiring his dreams like every kid does. His parents played along, supporting and wanting it for their child too, knowing the realities of the world. This same boy at 17, wants to walk out onto a diamond covered in grass and dirt surrounded by flashing, flickering lights, and walk through the aromas of peanuts gushing through the stadium's air to this day. The chance to stay a child, and hit a white 5 ounce piece of leather with wooden sticks occupies his days, minutes, and seconds of his life daily. It occupies the walls of his room, the hours on end of possible video games, parties, and naps. It occupies the summers missed to continue to be a kid. Since day 1 of holding a baseball bat, this guy’s love for the game has been as big as mount everest, and as vibrant as the Panjin Red Beach in a picture frame. 

I have flipped through three chapters of the book already. It is a long book with endless chapters. It’s a book written with no true ending. The reader is the one who decides the outcome of the book. In lots of cases, the reader is the one writing and editing the book. I vote this as my favorite book due to the fact that it is a 1 of 1 copy, and it is my book, written and read only by me; however, it is portrayed to the world in its own fashion.

From as long as I can remember, I have wanted to make it as far as I can in baseball. The aspiration and idea of being able to be paid to play the sport I love surrounded by people cheering me on representing a city beholds the highest want of my life. The first chapter of my book consisted of childhood playdates after tee ball games. Not knowing the politics of life, the hardship of life and reality, and simply running around with my friends for a good time is what it was. I flipped through some pages and quickly found the second chapter called, “Summer Ball.” If it's not the best, most fun, and impactful chapter in the book, summer ball brings the career alive. It keeps you in the game, tests your love for it, and gives you friendships forever. It structures your future, simulates your future, and builds the integrity of your core values for how you will play the game of baseball.

Now I just finished the third chapter of this book. My college route is set, waiting, and boiling like red hot lava waiting for me to dive in. It’s a chapter with one extra blank page at the end before the next one begins. It allows me to write a new page around spring time if my other route occurs. However, I don’t know when chapter 4 starts, and I don’t know what to write for chapter 4. It is coming soon and too rapidly to even think. One day although, my book will be published and finished, but now is not that time.

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote picking from a list of topics called the "Choice" essay. I picked my dream career and wrote about what I would like to do when I am older.

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