J Cole | Teen Ink

J Cole

February 24, 2022
By prestonschoenfelder SILVER, Randolph, Minnesota
prestonschoenfelder SILVER, Randolph, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For the first time ever, I found an album where there is no bad songs or no songs that I skip. The Off-Season by J Cole is one of my favorite albums I have ever listened to. I will explain why its my favorite, what its mostly about, and about the artist.

The album was released on May 14th, 2021. It was J Cole’s 6th studio album. The title of the album represents working in the off season to get the best you can, like in sports where the best athletes are always working on the sport in the off season. Another thing the album is about is him living modesty with all the riches and succes he has. The last thing it expresses is the history of the genre. In its first week, The Off-Season got over 37,000 sales and over 290 million streams on music platforms and debuted number one on the Rolling Stone top 200 album chart.

Some of the reasons why it’s my favorite is that there are no bad songs, almost every other album I have listened to is that theres usually always one or two songs I don’t like, but this one I enjoy all of them. All the songs have a good flow or good beats, some songs are more loud/hype, and some are more of chill rap songs, so you get a little bit of both My favorite reason is that none of the songs are overplayed or get old listening to, so you never hear the songs on Tik Tok, Instagram, or any other social media apps. My favorite song in this album is M y . l i f e.

J Cole is my favorite rapper because all of his songs aren’t the kind of rap where they scream it or say it as fast as they can, he is more of a lyrical rapper. So his songs are more slower, so you can understand the story very well. Again this was his 6th album, his other big albums are 2014 Forest Hills Drive, and KOD, the rest of his aren’t the most popular but have some decent songs in those. 

Overall, The Off-Season is my favorite album because of there are no bad songs, and how none of the songs are overplayed. I hope you understood why it’s my favorite, what its about, and some things about the artist. I think that this is a good album to start listining to if someone were to get into J Cole’s music.

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