bumming or just bumfuzzled? | Teen Ink

bumming or just bumfuzzled?

December 2, 2021
By jroar23 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
jroar23 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


He had finally figured it out, the equation of the continuous rate of spread of brain cancer. This was a huge scientific jump for the progression of a successful termination of cancer. This information was sentimental and he instantly sent it to the lab to further advance his studies. Soon, a wave of horror came over him. The lab results provided information that his research was incorrect. The scientist had double checked everything, days of time used to reinstate the perfection of his equation, all that effort and he was just bumfuzzled. The use of the word bumfuzzled is commonly neglected and seen as a cultural word of low slang in the southern United states. Bumfuzzled is actually a much more scientific term than most people perceive it as. It holds intricate and scientific values allowing for intelligent use of sentence flow and a change in a confusing amount of repetition in the structure of a sentence. 

The heightened sense of success given to children of middle and elementary schools provides a sense of confidence in the student, “hey I didn't even study and I got an A on that test!”Easy tests and lackadaisical focus in class due to the easy material set the students up for failure in the difficult upcoming years . Then, when the student reaches the arguably four most important years of their lives, they are not only not ready, but they hold confidence in thinking they are.A persons life portrait is started in highschool. Highschool unfairly applies the responsibility of good grades to obtain scholarships, or three hours of football practice every day to become the best you can be is praised in highschool but all it is really doing is taking away the prime years of your life. It bumfuzzles me as to why it is so widely accepted. Relentless hours of homework taking away any fun in your life to prepare you for a job in the future that does nothing for you except cause stress and provide a very average income for you after paying off academic debt. Each class thinks that they matter the most and compete to see who can give out the most homework. This bumfuzzles me. I was under the impression that highschool was supposed to introduce you to new subjects, not ram them through your head. They were supposed to help you along the way to a prestigious college for academics or sports. But once again, I was wrong. School’s surface is to teach math, science, ela, and cte credits, but nobody is really learning anything. District standards are put in place to see how far they can push their students without backlash or completely breaking the minds of the students. The bumfuzzelments of the students creates a foggy learning environment not allowing them to fully grasp the concepts being taught to them, they are bumfuzzled. Because of this, 25% of high school freshmen don't graduate on time. Bumfuzzled is the dizzying confusion of a topic often leading to frustration in an informal topic.

 The origin of bumfuzzled is from the southern United states; first used as a word with humorous and modern (at the time) values, but contains deeper connections in the speaker bringing emotions of  a smoother frustration. The use of this word calms the speaker from his/her previous state of anger or frustration; by using the word the speaker’s mind is relaxed. Roots of the word are “bum” (scottish origin; to confuse) and “fuzzle” (combination of scottish words meaning fuzzy or fuddle).The bumfuzzelement of the students leads to common frustration and causes a lack in effort due to the piles of work for the student to understand. To me, being bumfuzzled isn't a bad thing contrary to my previous writing about being bumfuzzled. If I am bumfuzzled it feels as if a challenge has been given to me and without that challenge I would be a fool, knowing nothing and not trying for anything in my life, just expecting someone else to hold the answer for me. Just because something is confusing does not show valid reason to throw away all of your hard work. Being confused is what gives people clarity in life. If you have no experience in an activity or disaster then you are more likely to fail at your first attempt. A failed attempt is much more humiliating when working on something you have claimed to know. School is a safe environment for these failures and they are expected and accepted. Failing a test or quiz shows the head of the classroom that you need to be taught a different way or that something might be wrong either at home or in school to where you cannot properly learn. In doing so, the head of the classroom would likely pull you aside and ask what’s going on. They will then help you to find the best class for you if the current one doesn’t fit you or help you by teaching with different methods rather than monologuing for the entire class.Being  bumfuzzled brings beauty and intelligence despite the previous conditions. Being bumfuzzled is a desert monsoon, bringing initial catastrophe following with beauty and life.

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