I Have Some Issues... | Teen Ink

I Have Some Issues...

March 11, 2021
By bennettsc2 BRONZE, Ridgeland, Mississippi
bennettsc2 BRONZE, Ridgeland, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Now I am only a 13-year-old boy in 8th grade that goes to St.Andrews. There really should be nothing wrong with me. Well, you would be surprised that I actually have a few issues. I know what you are thinking, “Scott, you are 13-years-old and go to one of the best schools in Mississippi, what could possibly be wrong with you?” I have more issues than you could probably know, but I’m going to be talking to you about two main ones.

Issue #1: I have a video game addiction. Now that may not seem like a problem because I’m a 13-year-old boy and I watch anime there nothing else to expect. Well actually, my addiction is pretty bad. For one, I used to play video games every night after I did my homework. I wouldn’t shower beforehand, just straight to NBA 2k21. I used the word “used” because my mom did something that, at the time, I thought was pretty cruel. She took that privilege away from me! My mom said, “I couldn’t play video games during the week anymore. I have to get ahead and focus on school work. From now on, you can only play video games on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (till 9:00 on Sundays).” I was devastated. I was crying because I was so attached to my game, but looking back she did do a great thing. My grades went from C’s and B’s to A’s and B’s because I was actually working and not rushing to get to the game. It also helped improve my sleep schedule. I went to bed around 10,11,12, sometimes even 1 o’clock! Now I sleep at 9 or 10 on weekdays and get a healthy 10 hours of sleep. 

Issue #2: History is… not my favorite subject (this year), to say the least, and I haven’t really struggled with history until now. You see, my history teacher is a high school teacher that was supposed to teach my sister’s history class in 10th grade. Instead, they got another history teacher and Mr. Buckley came to the 8th grade. He is a great teacher, and I would never come for him, but he is tough because (as I said) he is a High school teacher. Mr. Buckley gives us these open-note quizzes, but I somehow still fail. My notes are too long. They are packed with information, and it looks like I’m just rewriting the book (Yes, I am coming for myself to be clear, but this is a confession essay). This may just seem like I’m making excuses, but I thought the quizzes were so unfair. The questions didn’t even seem like they were from the book, nevertheless my notes. To be honest, It is so hard for me to take notes. It came to the point where my tutor has to highlight for me to teach me how to highlight. Before I used to just highlight whole sentences and then write them in my notes from the book. What I used to do was pretty much plagiarized from the book, and there were repercussions. Now, I am still writing notes with my tutor highlighting. This is a great strategy because I got a 98 on my Unit 6/7 test, and on my current quiz I got an 11/18, without the 6 points short answer (with the short answer it is a 16/18 because I got a 4/6 on the short answer).  I will get better at note-taking soon, and at history and general (progress is coming along great). Mr. Buckley is a great teacher, I just have to learn how to get used to him, his quizzes, and his history class in general. 

So you see, there are a couple of things wrong with me. I only listed the two major (probably not major to you) ones, but I have a few more. Those few more but those will be saved for another time, maybe for another personal essay.  

The author's comments:

This is about my issues I think I have and I want to explain them. 

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