Animus-Inherit or Created | Teen Ink

Animus-Inherit or Created

June 8, 2014
By vKm15 BRONZE, Brewster, New York
vKm15 BRONZE, Brewster, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”

Animus1 - Inherit or Created

Bravery: Valor, audacity, heroism and intrepidity. Bravery is a quality that I have not performed. Wanting to be heroic is not analogous to acting instantaneously. Acting for the benefit of yourself but for others is one perception of bravery. Is it permissible for society to set parameters for an idea? Can we restrain our ideology to one certain definition? Are these heroes born or created?

The characteristic of heroism can be depicted by psychologists. Bravery is voluntary, not a mandated activity that has an accolade attached to it. There is not ovation guaranteed as moral dilemmas are not pre-planned but spontaneous. There is a an inherent risk involved with one’s altruistic actions. Studies have solidified that people are intrigued to complete dauntless acts if there is an extrinsic motivation. A 2004 psychology study completed by Selwyn Becker and Alice Eagly, suggested that heroism is a platform to secure status. A small study consisting of 78 participants concluded that pain a minor factor as compared to the final reward. A participant would hold their hands in a tub of ice or being dunked in a tank of water to then gain a sum of wealth, $1,170 which was then divided amongst the participants. Moreover, the kin selection and the bystander effect can manipulate the human mind. Kin selection suggests that people are more apt to aid people who are genetically related to them. This theory differentiates from the bystander effect; the bystander effect is streamlined a situation in which the number of people present in this particular setting affect the result of the situation. Therefore, if more people are present then less people will become involved if an individual is in distress. Bravery can be motivated by a variety of causes deriving from social and personal reasons.

We are living in a heroic age. Not seldom are we thrilled by deeds of heroism where men or women are injured or lose their lives in attempting to preserve or rescue their fellows.”— Carnegie, Andrew

Carnegie, the renowned founder of Carnegie Steel and the noted humanitarian who published the Gospel of Wealth, was a firm advocator for aiding the public, to improve the lives of others out of pure kindness. Carnegie established the Hero Fund Commission to aid the for people who are disabled and the progeny of those killed assisting others. This historical award is the definition pure altruism. A hero is magnanimous toward his or her community.

It is not a title that defines a person but their actions that manifests their character.

He desired to recognize these “heroes of civilization” and these individuals are given the “Carnegie Medal.” This medal is the tangible presentation of courage. The voluntary acts of these select individuals are fibers that sew together our generous country. Andrew Carnegie was a foil to the low income factory worker who barely survived in our industrial nation. However, he did not disregard the underpaid factory worker, he did disregard the young newspaper boy, he did not disregard the overworked firefighter: he identified the kindness of human nature.
We are a society of sovereign benevolent people that is motivated to protect the innocent from the perils of the world. Mr. Andrew Carnegie’s fund is one component in the sea of approbation.

A normal school day in the Rucker family would begin with breakfast and family time prior to the departure to school. As it was a stormy, cold, rainy day, Anaiah and Camryn Rucker would walk to their bus stop, to commence the trek to the institution classified as school. But this morning was not blissful- it was tragic. Suddenly, a vehicle of absolute devastation (A pickup truck) comes whizzing by and is heading toward them. Anaiah is confronted with a tumultuous predicament. How can my sister and I safely escape this situation? Do I attempt to run across the street? Should I scream for help? Analiah then pushed her younger sister out of harm’s way, to save Camryn. Anaiah stated, “She is too young to get hit like this.” A corpse is in the center of the road: lifeless, fragile, damaged and possible destroyed. From a porch window, their mother witnesses the accident and death seems to be lurking. The horror in a mother’s eyes parallel the monstrosity of the event. Now a hero is severely injured, a mother is petrified and a little sister is devastated to see her hero in agony. Luckily, a local bus driver performed CPR on Anaiah and she stabilized her health prior to her arrival in the hospital. Anaiah is battered and terribly bruised but she is a role model who saved her little sister. The kin selection did play a role in Anaiah’s decision to sacrifice her own life. However, bravery has no prerequisites but rather an instant determination of compassion.

Anaiah is not a fallen hero: she is a testimony.

The dauntless action of a nine year old girl epitomizes how all individuals should act. A sudden unfortunate event can alter one’s life for all entirety. A selfless approach to life will be fruitful and joyous. Anaiah embodies the words of Mr. Carnegie. A hero is a person who takes intrepid risks to protect others. Anaiah demonstrated heroic behavior yet she did not classify herself as a hero. She said, “I am not a hero; I just saved my sister’s life.”

This is the meaning of valor and selflessness. A nine year old girl defines life as prosperous if loved ones surround you. The price of Anaiah’s left leg is minuet token for the love she has for her younger sister.

Bravery does not know age, skin color or financial background: the compassion of a hero is always prevalent. Heroes are not fostered; they are inherent qualities within us. Anaiah let her love be the unbreakable barrier that no truck could deteriorate. Love is an invisible bond which is prevalent in times of distress. Anaiah Rucker qualifies as a Carnegie “hero of civilization.” She did not ponder to save her sister; she acted upon instinct. Human actions cannot be mandated and forced. Investigations can be completed, surveys can be conducted and results can be extrapolated. The universal human truths such as compassion and bravery cannot measured and dictated: it our morals and values that influence our actions. While the definition of bravery can be multi-faceted, the heroic nature of society is extolled and treasured. “Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.”- John Quincy Adams

The author's comments:
I am a rising senior in high school. I would love to receive commentary and feedback to advance my skills as a writer. :)

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