Stand and Deliever Article Review | Teen Ink

Stand and Deliever Article Review

April 4, 2014
By Sbridge BRONZE, Mcdonough, Georgia
Sbridge BRONZE, Mcdonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1. 5Ws + H
a.Who: Kathleen Doheny
b.What: Women vets may need more access to breast cancer services
c.When: September 20, 2013

d.Where: The Baltimore VA Medical Center
e.Why: The use of VHA outpatient care nationwide by women grew by 47 percent
f.How: Because of the return of women veterans

Fromm 2003 to 2009, the use of VHA outpatient care nationwide by women grew by 47 percent, and the demand is expected to increase even more as thousands of women veterans return from Iraq and Afghanistan. From 2000 to 2012, 76 women received breast cancer treatment; the time from diagnosis to the start of treatment increased from 33 days before the expansion to 51 days afterwards. Nearly 33 percent had a mastectomy, while more than 67 percent of women who were eligible for breast-conserving treatment received it. Chief of surgical oncology, Dr. Ajay Jain commented “if you are going to expand screening mammography, you should expect to see more breast cancer”. Developing a breast care program totally on site is more cost-effective, and the comprehensive care in one place is preferred by women.

3. Importance to Society
The message for military woman, and all women, is that we need to advocate for ourselves regarding our health. A diagnosis of breast cancer is rarely an emergency; however, getting rapid access to information and support can have a major impact on the anxiety and fear that constantly accompany a breast abnormality of breast cancer diagnosis. It is important to create awareness and institute active screening programs for breast cancer, but this article points out that this needs to go along with increasing access to diagnosis once abnormalities are identified, as well as access to treatment. Just because they are away does not mean they will not face the same health issues that we do; therefore, they should receive the same treatment and care as we do.

4. My Reaction and Recommendations
In my opinion I think we should’ve done the expansion quicker because as the U.S. Veteran women population grew, it should’ve made cancer screening a crucial public health issue for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). No matter if they are across seas or across the street, health issues are not going to change. I recommend that the VHA does constant screenings and checkups on the female Vet’s because they are just as strong as all other soldiers. Plus, is they are dead from this cancer; they won’t be as much of assistance will they? If we can take precautions or catch the cancerous disease in its early stage, it can help tremendously. All in all, breast cancer does not discriminate so we should everything we can to have it in control within the female population.

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