Crisis No. 1 Writing Assignment | Teen Ink

Crisis No. 1 Writing Assignment

March 4, 2014
By Fdonkor BRONZE, Stockbridge, Georgia
Fdonkor BRONZE, Stockbridge, Georgia
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During the Colonial period, the style of writing was similar to the other literary periods because the colonial period talks about a belief which plays a big role in the influence in writing. The article “The American Crisis: Number One” by Thomas Paine was written in the 1700s. Paine's purpose was to persuade and tell Americans to stand up for what they believe in and show independence. In “The American Crisis: Number One” by Paine you will see the way he formulates his writing and how he incorporates figurative language, tone and rhetorical strategies to persuade his audience.

Paine uses figurative language which is an essential element to “The American Crisis: Number One”. The simile in Paine's article states that “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered” (Paine 108). Paine is saying that the fight to go against the Britsh will not be simple. Paine uses a metaphor in the article which is shown when he says, “Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated” (Paine 108). Paine is stating that freedom has a price and that many things have to be done to get the freedom which will come with a cost. Furthermore, Paine uses personification when he is saying “America did not, nor does want force; but she wanted a proper application of that force” (Paine 109). Paine is stating that American did want to go to war but if they had to America wanted it to be done the right way. The use of figurative language helps the reader to create visions and images in their head.

Paine's tone in “The American Crisis: Number One” changes steadily throughout the article. Paine has a confident tone when he says “A man can distinguish himself between temper and principle, and I am as confident, as I am that God governs the world, that America will never be happy till she gets clear of foreign dominion” (Paine 109). Paine's confident tone is showing that he is confident and believes in what God can do. An additional tone was passionate when he says, “I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection” (Paine 110). Paine likes that a person is not afraid to show that they are in trouble and can get right back up on their feet. Lastly Paine's tone was serious. Paine makes his point very clear when he states “There are cases which cannot be overdone by language, and this is one” (Paine 111). Paine is saying you can not over do communication you just have to let some things flow. Tone helps you understand the direction the author is going with the writing.

In “The American Crisis: Number One” by Paine he uses three rhetorical strategies. One of the rhetorical strategies Paine uses is pathos. The use of pathos is when Paine says “I once felt all that kind of anger, which a man ought to feel” (Paine 108). Paine was showing emotion that he was mad and that it was okay to feel that way. Secondly Paine uses logos in the article which is to persuade by the use of reasoning. An example of logos is when Paine says “What we obtain too cheap, we esteem to lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value” (Paine 108). Paine basically says that what you can easily get you will respect less. Finally ethos is the last rhetorical strategy Paine uses in his article. Paine states that “Quitting this class of men, I turn with the warm ardor of a friend to those who have nobly stood, and yet determined to stand the matter out” (Paine 109). Paine uses ethos when is he saying how much he respects those who are helping him fight. The rhetorical strategies pathos, logos and ethos are all implicit forms of persuasion that enhance the writing.

To sum up, you see the writing elements figurative language, tone and rhetorical strategy all recognized in “The American Crisis: Number One” by Thomas Paine. Each of these writing elements show the different characteristic that Paine uses in his writing. Figurative language shows comparisons with creating different images within the readers mind, tone shows authors attitude and how one word can change the whole tone of the essay and rhetorical strategy shows how the author uses emotion, pity, and authority to persuade the audience. Paine incorporated all of these things to show how America wanted independence. Overall the components all together are partially what make up this article.

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