A Friend | Teen Ink

A Friend

October 15, 2013
By Anonymous

"This will be a great day today !!" Those were my words as a rolled over from bed the morning of October 4 , 2013 . I got out of bed and did my daily rutine of getting ready every morning . As I got on the bus , my friend gave me a bag of candy and an energy drink . "Could tthis day get any better ?" , I thought to myself . After third bell , I was walking in the hall way with my boyfriend . My one of my bestfriends sister came up crying . I hugged her to comfort her , thinking maybe it was boy problems or drsma that had made her upset and crying . Boy , I wish that it would have been boy problems or drama .

Come to find out her sister , one of my best friends was in the hospital , she had over doesed on pills . I froze when the words came out of her mouth . I started to cry .. My suzy was in the hospital for trying to commit suicide . The doctors didnt think she would make it , i was worried out of my mind . Suzy promised me she wouldnt try to commit suicide again , SHE PROMISED . I felt like my world to a hit from a big avalanche .

As the day progress , I moped around . I cried in almost all my classes , I was worried sick . Id talk to suzys sister every chance i had . I kept blaming my self . Thinking of all of the things i could have done better to help her and all the things i could have prevented from happening .

Later that day i found out suzy was physically ok but not mentally , not at all . She has been in the hospital for a week and will be in there for much longer . She is not allowed to have visitors , or i would be up there everyday to see and spend time with her . So if you have a friend , who is suicidal and cuts , PLEASE be there for them as much as you can be . I dont know what i would have done if i lost suzy ..

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on Oct. 22 2013 at 10:36 pm
NotForMe BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments
I'll be keeping you and your friend Suzie in prayer.
do not blame yourself though, it wont help, and it will hurt you in the long run